Change is REAL…

Published: Thu, 10/06/16

Dear ,

For the longest time, I didn’t believe that I could actually create change in the world or in people’s lives. Today, I’m taking a moment to celebrate what I am doing and what I have accomplished.

I’ve realized that “not believing in my abilities” was only a limiting belief that I told myself. It was never the truth and never will be. 

Recently, I’ve spoken with so many of you, telling me that you don’t believe that you can actually reach your goal.

That kind of thinking will not only prevent you from achieving your goal but actually limit your ability to live a fulfilling life.

During my recent visit with my family, I had the opportunity to help my mother and my sister. Now, as I reflect, I am amazed and so proud about the results they had. 

My mother had been struggling to heal an injury. She asked for my help and I taught her how to use delicious healthy foods to gently heal her body. Literally, within a few days, her inflammation decreased, she even lost weight, her eyes became brighter and her skin glowed. 

The power of food and change is REAL, .

My sister had been in a toxic relationship for almost 10 years. I gave her my support and I told her how much I loved her and believed in her. For years, she had been stuck believing and settling for, “that’s just how it is.” Her limiting belief of not thinking she deserved better was holding her back from a joyous and happy life! Within days she ended the relationship and is now healing to expand into her true love.

Can you see how powerful beliefs and support can be in our lives?

My point is, , is that we have the power change our beliefs, our lives, our bodies, and our health. 

Every day, I prove myself wrong on any limiting belief, including including my clients. When my clients follow my plan, they lose weight without effort. They heal from decades of illness that they thought was inevitable. They are in disbelief when their digestive symptoms disappear. They become happy, healthy, and achieve their ideal weight.

And when all of their current limiting beliefs have disappeared from their mind because they have the physical results, they go out into the world and do what they’ve dreamed about doing their entire lives. They LIVE!!!

If you are ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs and step into the healthiest, happiest life you’ve always wanted, book your discovery session now. You will learn ways you never thought possible for yourself and the solution is so simple. 

Click here to schedule your session and learn what is possible for you.

I’m looking forward to speaking with you!

Much love,
Laura Christine Sainz
Certified Integrative Medicinal Chef, 
Master Lifestyle Coach, and Educator
[email protected]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

P.S. If you’re reading this and have not booked your session, you may be in fear, and that is OK. I’ve been in your shoes and it was not fun. Realize that facing your fears will change your life forever. This is why I am here  for you, and with you facing your fears together. Having a support system helps us grow. 

I encourage you, no matter how fearful you are about achieving your goals, to book your session with me. You have nothing to lose except what you don’t want. Step into your courage. You are creating a path for yourself to have YOUR healthy, beautiful, happy body.

Click here and tell me about you.

The information provided is an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes. Please consult your healthcare provider for guidance about a specific medical condition.