How To Easily Live Vegan Vibrantly!

Published: Wed, 10/19/16

Dear ,

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
~ Carl Sagan

I am beyond blessed to be extremely clear why I am here today on planet Earth. My mission in life is to help the masses heal, and live a life of happiness, fulfillment and freedom. 

My goal is to not only provide you with optimal health, and teach you how to have the body of your dreams, BUT it is my mission to have such a significant impact that my teachings continue to save and change lives that catapult the healing, health, and vibrancy of our planet.

You see, , my reason is this: We need a beautiful, bountiful, healthy planet Earth to live on. For you, myself, and generations to come. 

You’ve heard me say this before, “When we are in illness and dis-ease it affects our entire lives.” We are mentally consumed and emotionally controlled by our symptoms. They rule your life. It’s frustrating, exhausting, and unfulfilling. When we are unhappy with our health and body, we can’t see past our own demise.

The answer to getting out of your dis-ease is to make the decision to get out. As simple as it sounds, this is the first step. It can be the hardest step for some. When you make your decision, the opportunity to make your desire a reality becomes possible. The next step is to take action. If you do not take action, then nothing will happen. 

Long ago, I took action. Daily, my clients take action. Anyone who you admire, takes action. Why? They are committed. And will stop at nothing to get what they truly desire. They decided to not allow their dis-ease to control them and consume their lives.

I understand and know what it feels like to be miserable, unhealthy, hating my body, and feeling like I was never going to get out. The truth was that I always had the opportunity to get out and I did, including my clients. Now I live an AMAZING life, have the body I’ve always wanted, and my choice is happiness. My clients heal and transition into living their dreams. And you can too! 

Right now, I have four Live Vegan Vibrantly open spots in my private coaching program. Before you read any further, know that my program produces powerful life-changing results and transforms lives. My clients get healthy, love their body, and then live out their life’s passions. This life-changing opportunity to live the life of your dreams with optimal health, happiness, and beauty are for people who:

  • Hold an unwavering desire and determination to overcome their health issues, including living in the body of their dreams,
  • Know and want to heal by eating gentle, delicious, whole, plant-based foods,
  • Are confident that I am the coach for them, and are naturally attracted to my loving, inspirational, and honest approach,
  • Have made the decision to invest in healing their body naturally,
  • Are enthusiastic and ready to be guided and educated; coachable,
  • Show up 100% committed to their healing, positively let go of their  limiting patterns, and happily master their health.

This program is not for people who:

  • Are unclear of their desires, and doubt they hold the power to heal and live the life of their dreams,
  • Expect perfect meal plans and a one-solution-fits all approach, 
  • Cannot take responsibility for their actions and health progression,
  • Default to being negative, dramatic, and blame others for their outside circumstance and their results,
  • Are not willing to try new foods, healing methodologies, and physical activities,
  • Are not 100% committed to achieving their health goals and transforming to live the life of their dreams.

When you book your appointment, there is time to answer all your questions, address your goals, and receive laser coaching from me to solve your specific challenges.

The life-changing results you will receive from my program are:

  • Mastery of how to naturally heal yourself for the rest of your life,
  • Self-empowerment and knowledge of optimal health and lifestyle techniques and methodologies,
  • Deep connection of self love, a positive relationship with your body, and clear understanding of how to fuel your dream lifestyle,
  • Having and enjoying healthy, beautiful, youthful, glowing skin,
  • Living in the body of your dreams and knowing how to maintain it,
  • Unveiling your deepest passions and desires to pursue and start living the life of your dreams, 
  • Master level education how to be a healthy, strong, beautiful vegan,
  • Improved self-confidence, intelligence, relationships, healthy decision making skills, and many more unique results for each client.

This is why taking ownership of your health is so powerful. Naturally, your decision leads you to your freedom. 

If you are ready to step into the healthiest, happiest life you’ve always wanted, book your session with me. This is a no pressure offer and I only work with people who are ready. You will learn ways you never thought possible for yourself and the solution is simple. 

I’m looking forward to speaking with you!

Much love,
Laura Christine Sainz
Certified Integrative Medicinal Chef, 
Master Lifestyle Coach, and Educator
[email protected]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

P.S. Are you still reading? Just because you can’t see the results with your eyes, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. If you are in fear, that is normal. When I was about to make a huge life change, major fear showed up. Honestly, fear will always be there, but the beautiful thing about fear is that you can turn it into action. And that is CHOICE. Step into your dream and walk yourself to freedom. Your body, health, and dreams are waiting for you! Book your appointment to discover what’s possible for you

The information provided is an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes. Please consult your healthcare provider for guidance about a specific medical condition.