✨Today’s The Last Day…✨

Published: Sun, 11/27/16

Dear ,

A lot of you in our community who are intrigued by our Black Friday Weekend Special Offer have been mailing in wanting to know more about being heathy, happy, and trim.

I thought….instead of just telling you, rather I would SHOW you the results behind many of my client’s successes and doing two things everyday so you could see what’s possible for you too.

Let’s look at Amy for example. She lives in North Carolina and she decided to work with me. Amy had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. She had never worked with a health coach before and wanted to focus on eliminate her illness to have children, and relieve uncomfortable symptoms of diarrhea and bloating that she had been living with for years. Amy just did these two things:

  • I asked her to love her body and
  • She ate an abundance of delicious food.

Here’s what happened:

Within 5 days, Amy’s diarrhea that plagued her for years was gone! And 5 days after that, she had eliminated her bloating. Amy is loving her new flat stomach and dances around her house in her bikini! 

I gave Amy the tools, such as the health assessment, shared my mastery training during her session, and guaranteed her results. It is that simple. 

That’s transformation in less than 2 weeks (which I though was pretty fun!)

So I decided to do it again, and this time I wanted more of a challenge. So I took on my vision of helping more people with more health opportunities. 

A woman in her late sixties named Virginia asked me for help. She came to me with a diagnosis of narrowing of the hip joints, inflammation, deteriorating disks, and she wanted to loose 7 pounds. She was in a lot of pain, bloating, and fatigue. Virginia just did these two things:

  • I asked her to lay on the floor to stretch her body and
  • She ate an abundance of delicious food.

Here’s what I love about this…I was able to help Virginia eliminate her pain and feel energized within 3 days. She lost the rest of the weight in 2 weeks. It doesn’t take much to heal your body to have energy, be healthy and be trim. And now many of these new customers have now become long time happy clients for us at Live Vegan Vibrantly (which means I have been able to make a bigger difference in the world and give the gift of health to more people).

Why am I telling you this?

I know a lot of you in my community are looking for new, practical, and easy ways to be healthy in your lives, enjoy your slim body, have energy and fun times with your loved ones, and maybe even consider living your purpose. 

This Black Friday I am offering you the opportunity to learn how I do it…..how to be healthy, happy, and trim for life!! The tools that keep people  engaged and wanting more from me, and how I then use my skills to help those people who are investing in my packages and programs…

And I’m making it available to you all for just $97 this weekend only.

Here is the link to sign up on this page. > > Click HERE!!

Here’s why this is important to me that you get this: I mentioned this yesterday, but it so important that I wanted to share it with you again today. If I can teach you how to BE healthy, you will be slim and trim, and happy whenever you need and for the rest of your life. And let’s be real for a moment….sometimes life happens where you need to be healthy, energized, and confident no matter what.

A great way to be able to do this is by loving your body NOW because you don’t need a ton of time to feel great! In fact, many people feel and have amazing results in ONE DAY.

Here are all the details about the Boost Your Vibrancy Package:

🌟45 Minute Private Coaching Session🌟

Receive & Replay Your Recorded Skype Consultation at Your Leisure

🌟Vibrancy Health Assessment🌟 

A Lifetime Transparency Tool to Help Me Help You & Understand Yourself

🌟Manifest Your Dreams Booklet🌟

Learn How to Easily Change Your Life and Have FUN

🌟Custom Kick Start Plan to Reach Your Goals🌟

Personalized, Delicious, and Easy For You Steps to Have Health NOW


For the first 10 people to purchase the package, you will receive an additional 30 Minute Private Coaching Session to support YOU!!! 

Today’s the last day to get it, so go ahead and sign up now so you don’t miss it after we take the link down. > > Click HERE!

This is what’s possible for you!! What I teach has changed the lives of so many of my clients because now they actually know how to overcome their fears, believe in themselves, and it will change your life forever too.

Much love,

Laura Christine Sainz
Certified Integrative Medicinal Chef, 
Master Lifestyle Coach, and Educator
[email protected]​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The information provided is an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any medical diagnostic or treatment purposes. Please consult your healthcare provider for guidance about a specific medical condition.