Let's talk!

Published: Fri, 04/29/16


I created The Behavioral Observations Podcast on a hunch. I guessed that there were thousands of Behavior Analysts like me who were looking for something to listen to while commuting. Almost 8500 downloads later, I have to say that there was a much larger demand for something like this than I originally assumed! Based on this, I have a few things I want to share with you:

First, starting in the next few weeks, I'll be sending out an occasional newsletter via email. I'm still formulating the details, but it will probably consist of links to journal articles, blogs, tweets, and perhaps even other podcasts, that are behavior analytic in nature (or stuff that isn't overtly behavioral but can be related to our science and practice). If you see something that fits these parameters, feel free to forward it to [email protected]

I'm starting this newsletter on the assumption that there is an appetite for this type of content. However, as I look for ways to continue to serve you, the listener, I don't want to continue to rely on guessing.

So the second thing I want to mention is that I'd like to set up some brief (10-20 minute) Skype calls with audience members.

The purpose of this is twofold: First, this is an opportunity to solicit feedback on the show in order to improve your listening experience; and, second, I want to find out more about what topics you're interested in so I can provide content that would be a good match. If this is something you're interested in, shoot me an email or hit the 'contact' page at www.behavioralobservations.com, and we'll set something up. 

In closing, I want to thank you for listening to the show, sharing it with friends and co-workers, and visiting our sponsor, bSci21.org. 

All the best,