next episode sneak peek, and more!

Published: Tue, 05/17/16


I hope you're having a great day. Before I put the laptop away for the evening, I wanted to let you know about a few things:

First, I will be publishing the much anticipated follow up interview with Dr. Greg Hanley in the near future. I should have it out before I head off to ABAI. If you didn't hear Session 1 of the podcast, please go back and check it out before you listen to the next episode, as we are expanding on our original discussion. Session 1 was by far the most listened-to episode (almost 3400 downloads!), and I have a feeling that the follow up will be equally as popular. In this conversation, Greg and I talk about how to implement a very unique function-based treatment that is based upon the Interview Informed Synthesized Contingency Analysis. 

Second, if you have a minute, check out this epic essay by my major professor from Auburn University, Jim Johnston. I'm not even going to bother to tell you what it's about... just go read it. I think you'll get a kick out of it. Oh, and I'll have an interview with Jim coming out sometime in June or July.

Third, as noted above, I'll be attending ABAI in a few weeks. I'll be participating in Panel # 49, and attending the Disseminating Behavior Analysis SIG meeting, so please say hi if you're around. I'm taking my microphones as well, so I am hoping to snag some interviews while I'm out there. I can't wait!

Fourth and finally, with your help, we have broken many milestones with this podcast in the last few weeks. As of this writing, there have been over 12,400 downloads! I am genuinely humbled by the response to this show, and none of this would have happened without you spreading the word, either in person or via social media channels. So thank you so much! I look forward to providing more enjoyable and informative podcasts for you in the future. To that end, I want to reiterate my request to chat with you individually. If you have time for a 15-20 minute phone or Skype call, I'd love to learn more about topics you're interested in. 

See you in Chicago!