Session 10 details!

Published: Wed, 08/10/16


I wanted to send a quick email out to a) say hello to new subscribers to the newsletter (hello!), b) talk about the upcoming session of the podcast, and c) thank those of you who took a few minutes to fill out the survey I sent out a few weeks ago (thanks!). If you haven't completed the survey but would like to, you can find it here). 

Right now I'm editing an episode that features a conversation with none other than Dr. Patrick Friman. Pat is well known, his CV goes on and on, and we get into his background quite a bit during the interview, so I will refrain from going into too many details here. Long story short, he is a pioneer in the dissemination of our practice, and if you have't seen him speak at a conference yet, I highly recommend doing so. 

Our conversation covers how he got into behavior analysis, the remarkable story of Boys Town, behavior analysts as parents, and more. We (accidentally) delve into my parenting challenges as well, so you'll have some entertainment at my expense (you're welcome). 

In the meantime, check out another great article that Jim Johnston posted to his blog,

All the best,