Ego and insurance....

Published: Thu, 08/18/16


I hope you're having an awesome day. I have two quick things I'd like to share with you: 

First, many of you who took my recent survey voiced frustrations with insurance problems of all sorts. Because so much of my work involves consulting to public schools, this is an area in which I'm blissfully ignorant. 

So I reached out to Wanda Refaely of The Autism Treatment Provider Insurance Authorization Network for some assistance (ATPIAN for short, and click here for more info). In an upcoming session of the podcast, we'll be discussing common insurance problems, from credentialing to audits, and everything in between.

However, in order to make this interview truly helpful, I need your specific insurance related questions. So please, send them to [email protected], and put "Insurance" in the subject line. And please don't say to yourself, "I bet somebody else will ask about X, Y, or Z..." because they may not. Let's make the most of this opportunity!

Second, some of my long-time list subscribers will recall that I passed on a link to a Tim Ferris Show episode in which author, Ryan Holiday, read a chapter of his new book, Ego is the Enemy. If you check out episode #179 of the show, Ryan comes back and recites another chapter, What's Important to You, from this book. As many of you know, I'm a big fan of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and this chapter basically described the Values process from ACT using both historical and present-day examples. I won't spoil it any more, so if you have a few minutes, it's well worth checking out.

And a quick tip: the first 4-5 minutes of Tim's shows are usually taken up by commercials, so if you do end up listening to the episode, I think you'll be OK if you fast forward approximately four and a half minutes into the show. Let me know what you think of it.

All the best!

PS - I know I said just two things, but allow me to squeeze in another one here: I've started a Facebook group for the podcast, so I think you can access it here if you want to check it out. Please be patient, as I am learning this Facebook Group thing as I go.