Are you stressed??? Session 16 Details!

Published: Wed, 11/23/16


Right now I'm editing Session 16, which features a follow up conversation with none other than Dr. Pat Friman. We recorded it a while back and now that I'm listening to it again, I am reminded of the great insights Pat brought to this discussion. 

Specifically, we talk about depression, anxiety, and stress, and why behavior analysts should become more comfortable talking about these, "private events." The conversation takes some unexpected turns that I think you'll enjoy, so rather than me writing about them, I'm going to get back to Garage Band so I can finish up the episode.

If you haven't listened to Pat's first episode in Session 10, click here to check it out. 

Also, if you enjoy The Behavioral Observations Podcast, please take a minute and rate and review the show in iTunes. If you're not sure how to do this, here's a quick YouTube tutorial on how to leave a rating and review from the comfort of your iPhone. 

Finally, this podcast is sponsored by's ABA Outside the Box training series. If you want to check out their Type 2 CE offerings, go to, and tell them I sent you!

All the best,