Requesting feedback for the New Year

Published: Sun, 01/01/17


I hope you had a happy and safe New Year's Eve. Aside from getting hit by a hail of nerf-gun bullets from my kids and their friends, I succeeded in staying out of any significant trouble (I fought valiantly but eventually succumbed to their superior numbers ;-). 

As I'm now looking towards 2017, I wanted to reach out and get some feedback from you on the podcast. In the coming new year, I want to see what I can do to improve the listening experience of the show.

I'm also trying to see if there is any interest in broadening the show's listening community to beyond the podcast itself (e.g., CE events, conference meet-ups, webinars or online hang-outs, etc...).

This is where I need your help:

If you have a minute, please consider taking this survey. Here is the link to it:

If you know if other people not on this mailing list who listen to the show, feel free to share the link with them. 

All answers are anonymous, so please be candid!

All the best,

PS - I have some great episodes lined up for the next few episodes, so I'll be in touch shortly with some details on Session 20.