A question for you:

Published: Tue, 02/07/17


Have you ever listened to a podcast or radio program while driving somewhere and planned to follow up on something that was mentioned, only to forget about it once you got home or to the office? It happens to me all the time.

Evidently, this happens for some listeners of The Behavioral Observations Podcast as well, because not a week goes by that I don't get emails or Facebook messages asking for transcripts of the episodes.

Many of you have also asked for Type 2 Continuing Education credit for the material that we cover in the show.

In order to reinforce these mands, I created a membership area of the website that allows access to transcripts, six CE events every year (~1 CE hour; most likely in a webinar format), and a private Facebook group. 

For about the price of one Martini a month, you can have access to these resources. As of this writing, I have a handful of transcripts ready to go, and will have more on the way.*

With regard to the CE events, I'm thinking of holding in-depth discussions of episodes that have already aired, with members voting on what topics to cover. The private Facebook group would be used for this, as well as to provide opportunities for interactions amongst members.

If this is something you're interested in, check out www.behavioralobservations.com/membership for more information. 

All the best,

*Because the transcripts on the membership page are prepared using software, and because our unique jargon is already hard on spell-checkers and other tools ("Microsoft Word, mand is totally not misspelled!!!"), they contain some hilarious typos. Caveat emptor. As more members join, I will upgrade to a more accurate transcription service.