CE opportunity for listening to podcasts

Published: Tue, 03/07/17


I have been asked many times by listeners to provide Type 2 Continuing Education credits for listening to the podcast. After these requests hit a certain critical mass, I decided to pursue this further.

As such, I am now able to offer Type 2 Continuing Education credits for listening to selected Behavioral Observations Podcast episodes. Currently, I have all three of Greg Hanley's episodes available for continuing ed, for a total of 3.5 credits. I will be adding more episodes in the coming weeks as well.

As a member of the mailing list, you're getting first dibs on taking these, as well as a 30% off coupon (they say membership has its privileges ;-). Simply enter 'email' as the coupon code on the checkout page. 

For more information, please go to http://www.behavioralobservations.com/get-ceus/. Be sure to check back every now and then to see what other podcast episodes are eligible for CE's. 

Finally, if you purchase a CE, please go to the Google survey that comes along with it to provide feedback on the experience, though if it's easier to send me an email, that works too. 

All the best,