upcoming guest news, call for questions...

Published: Mon, 01/23/17


I hope your week is off to a great start!

I'm in the process of editing what may be the first of a two-part interview with Dr. Gina Green. We spent the majority of time talking about APBA and licensing, so for all of you who asked about evidence based practices, early intervention, and so forth, we'll try to cover those topics in a second interview. Regardless of whether we discussed your questions, I really appreciate those of you who sent some in (which doesn't necessarily mean that I don't appreciate those who didn't of course ;-). I'm hoping to have Session 21 out later this week or early next. 

I will be interviewing Dr. Linda LeBlanc later this week, so if you have questions for her, I'll do my best to work them into our conversation. Just hit reply to this email and you're all set. 

All the best,