Questions for upcoming guests?

Published: Sat, 06/03/17


I hope you're having a great weekend. For me, this weekend has been a time to recover from a whirlwind trip to Colorado for the 43rd annual ABAI conference. I met dozens of listeners, saw some great talks, participated in a panel discussion on supervision, and got a chance to hang out with tons podcast guests, both previous and future. Oh, and Denver's not so bad either...

With regard to upcoming interviews, I'll be speaking with Drs. Lisa Britton (on providing supervision remotely), Rick Kubina (on measuring behavior, celeration, etc....), Josh Pritchard (on what we don't know as Behavior Analysts), Pat McGreevy (on teaching functional skills), and my co-panelist, Megan Miller, who returns to the podcast to discuss gaining instructional control of reluctant learners. 

So here's your chance to be part of the conversation: If you have specific questions for these guests, reply to this email and I'll do my best to work them into our conversations. 


PS - If you have like-minded friends and colleagues whom you think would enjoy the show, please share this link with them.