ABAI, Odds & Ends, etc...

Published: Fri, 05/26/17


A busy week here at The Behavioral Observations Podcast! In the spirit of TLDR, I'll summarize my thoughts in the following bullet list:
  • I hope you had a chance to hear Session 27 with Adel Najdowski on her new book, Flexible & Focused. Check it out when you get a chance.
  • I'm heading to ABAI 2017. If you're presenting a poster, hit me up on Twitter or Instagram and let me know the details. I want to take in some posters this weekend, and I may grab a random poster presenter interview if I can.
  • I'll be on on this panel talking about supervision, so if you're looking for something to do Sunday evening, please stop by and say hello.
  • I'm wicked psyched (give me a break, I'm from Massachusetts) to welcome Britton Behavioral Consulting as a sponsor to the podcast. If you or your colleagues need high quality Independent Fieldwork Supervision, Dr. Lisa Britton is your go-to source. 
  • All Type 2 CE's are 20% off through June 6th. Use promo code ABAI2017 
  • If you're into Trivia and don't have plans for tomorrow night, check this out.
OK, that's all for now. Gotta pack!!!

Hope to see you in Denver!
