New episode news!

Published: Mon, 08/28/17


Two quick items for you this last Monday in August:

First, in the following days, I will be publishing a follow up interview with Session 13 guest, Dr. Megan Miller, from Navigation Behavioral Consulting. This episode will be dense with practical information about establishing instructional control, and managing escape-maintained problem behavior without using extinction. I'm pretty sure there's information in this episode that you'll be able to apply right away, and I'm really excited to share it with you!

Unfortunately, time did not permit a listener-question segment, but Megan has agreed to be a guest at the bi-monthly Zoom meeting that the Behavioral Observations Membership Group holds. In this format, members will be able to ask her questions directly. To learn more about the group, click here for details. I also have a commitment from none other than Dr. Greg Hanley to attend a membership Zoom meeting later on in the fall, so stay tuned for those details. 

Second, I will be interviewing Dr. Rick Kubina about all things Standard Celeration Charts. To be completely candid with you, this is a topic that I'm fairly ignorant of. I sure we'll go over the charting basics, but I'd really love to have a lot of listener questions to include in the show. So please send me your questions about these funny blue charts by replying to this email.... even if they call into question the relevance or utility of them. In other words, if you're a charting skeptic, share your questions with me so we can get Rick's thoughts on them. I look forward to learning a lot from this interview!

That's it for now. Have an awesome week!
