questions about parent training

Published: Thu, 09/21/17


I'm interviewing Brandon Franklin from Clinical Behavior Analysis tomorrow morning (9/22) on parent training. If you have questions about this topic, simply reply to this email (and sorry for the last-minute request!!!). 

Whether you suggest a question or not, Brandon is a fun guy who works for an amazing ABA provider, so this should be a great episode when all is said and done. 


PS - If you're interested in participating in a Zoom hangout next Wednesday evening, I will be talking with Dr. Megan Miller, two-time guest on the podcast, about instructional control, avoiding escape extinction, and maybe even the PEAK curriculum. If you'd like to ask her questions directly, check out the Behavioral Observations Membership page. I also have it on good authority that Dr. Greg Hanley will join us later in the fall.