New interview info

Published: Wed, 09/27/17


Thanks to Simcha, a Behavioral Observations Podcast listener, I will be interviewing Dr. Russ Harris in the near future. As always, I'd love to feature your questions.

I've linked Russ' bio here, but in brief, he's a bona fide rock star in the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy community. I own several of his books, including The Happiness Trap, ACT Made Simple, and, The Reality Slap. I find his work so valuable, I even give his books away as gifts (maybe this is why I have a small group of friends ;-). 

As far as the interview goes, we will be talking about ACT in the context of practitioner self-care, or, looking at it from the opposite point of view, practitioner burnout. So if you have questions about this topic, or ACT in general, just reply to this email to share your thoughts. 

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

All the best,