Session notes

Published: Thu, 07/20/17


I hope you had a chance to check out Session 30, in which I interview none other than Dr. Aubrey Daniels. If you haven't heard it, you can listen to it here (amongst other sources of course). 

Aside from interviewing a bona fide legend, the real special thing about this episode was the number of listener questions that Aubrey answered. I am really loving the interactive nature of being able to do this, and I'm going to the well again, so to speak, for two upcoming interviews:

First, I will be interviewing Session 13 guest, Dr. Megan Miller, about gaining instructional control with, ahem, reluctant learners. This conversation will also cover alternatives to escape extinction. One might argue that these are two sides of the same coin. This is a topic she's presented on many times, and I bet practitioners of all experience levels will come away with something tangible. So, if you have questions on this topic, simply reply to this email.

Second, I will be interviewing Dr. Rick Kubina, who is on what seems to be a one-man crusade to bring the Standard Celeration Chart more into everyday practice. I'm going to be completely honest and say that I don't know squat about this topic, but I have friends and colleagues who fervently advocate its utility in clinical practice. I'm going to be asking a lot of so-called "dumb" questions, so why not join me in doing so? I'd also like to hear questions from folks who are skeptical of this approach to measurement as well. I think it will be a fun conversation, so again, please reply to this email with your questions for Rick. 

That's all for now, have an awesome day!

All the best, 