Happenings at The Behavioral Observations Podcast

Published: Fri, 07/28/17


Well it's Friday folks, so I wanted to send out a quick update of things that have been going on here at The Behavioral Observations Podcast:

  1. Big thanks to Ryan O'Donnell for taking a few hours out of his Wednesday evening to meet with The Behavioral Observations Membership Group! We did a deep(er) dive into values identification, project management, and more generally, getting stuff done. Members were able to ask Ryan specific questions on this Zoom call, and I think everyone came away from it pumped to tackle tasks both large and small. By the way, if you have a minute, check out Ryan's cool podcast, Why We Do What We Do.
  2. I had a chance to chat with podcast favorite Greg Hanley yesterday. He will be delivering the keynote address to the 3rd Annual New Hampshire ABA conference on September 30th. If you're in the area, please consider attending. I'll have some more to say on this in the near future, but in the meantime, Greg has also volunteered to attend one our membership Zoom calls, which will give members opportunities to directly ask him questions on the wide range of topics he's knowledgable of. The date is TBD, but if you want to get in on this, click here for details. 
  3. Another huge thanks to my last two guests, Dr.s Lisa Britton and Aubrey Daniels. I've gotten tons of great feedback on their episodes, and I think both of them were made even better because so many of you took the time to send in great questions! 
  4. The good folks over at the ABA Study Group on Facebook asked me to join them next week for one of their Zoom meetings. They are going to turn the tables on me and pick my brain for an hour or so. Details are here if you want to check it out. To use my native New England vernacular, I'm wicked psyched for this! I hope to see you there. Click here for more details on this event. 
  5. I'm currently editing two podcasts that I've already recorded, and I hope to get them out in the next week or two. 
  6. I think the last thing I want to say is a huge thumbs up to you, the listener!!! Believe me, this podcast would not exist without your listenership, input, and encouragement. Right now, we are approaching 300K total downloads for all 30 episodes. That's insane. I'm pretty sure that if I only got a handful of downloads per episode, my podcasting repertoire would've extinguished a long time ago. Long story short, I am profoundly grateful to all of you who have taken the time to listen to the show. 
I think that's it for now. I hope you have an awesome weekend!
