Great conference event coming up!

Published: Fri, 08/11/17


I hope you're having a great day.

I wanted to send a quick heads up on the upcoming NH ABA conference:

The third annual conference is right around the corner. Tickets are available now, but we anticipate selling out very quickly. You can get your ticket here if you're interested. 

If you want to learn more about the speakers and their topics, you can check out Session 32 of the podcast, which was just released yesterday. 

I've been to the first two NH ABA conferences and they've been terrific! This year's event features 6.5 CEU's, presentations by notable behavior analysts like Drs. Greg Hanley and Mark Sundberg, and even a free lunch!

Right now, the early bird price is $99. After August 31st, the price goes up, but again, we may be sold out by then. So if you're on the fence, grab your ticket here

Bedford, NH is a short drive (at least from a behavior analyst's perspective ;-) from the Boston area and Southern Maine, so don't write off this event if you're not a resident of the Granite State. 

All the best,

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