We turned two!

Published: Thu, 02/22/18


While I think the first actual download of the Behavioral Observations Podcast occurred on February 21st, it was pretty close to midnight. So for all intents and purposes, I consider the February 22nd the start-day of this podcast.

It's hard to believe that first day of the show was two years ago. Since then we've done 45 shows, and the downloads have exceeded a half a million (here's the data, put together by my friends at Chartlytics). More importantly, as a result of this show, I've had the opportunity to meet and connect with literally hundreds of people, as well as develop close friendships. I've even learned a thing or two from the guests who come on the show ;-).

Long story short, this has been an incredible experience, and I want to take this opportunity to thank you for checking out the show, sharing it with your colleagues, commenting on posts on social media, emailing me your questions and suggestions for guests, and so on. 

In fact, when I talk about the show with others, I often find myself using a plural pronoun (e.g., we had Pat Friman on three times, we're going to do a show about behavior analysis applied to fitness, etc...). I think I tend to do this because I couldn't have done the show without you. 

So to wrap this email up, I just want to thank you for taking a chance on a new show in this growing medium of podcasting. If you're a long time listener, thank you for sticking with the show throughout it's growing pains as well (i.e., the at-times shaky audio, the occasional question that rambles in search of a point, etc...). I suppose this applies equally to the 35 or so guests that I've had on the show as well. I look forward to improving the overall listening experience as the podcast continues to grow.

I would also be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the various companies that have supported the show in the last 24 months. These include the following:

Supporting the sponsors helps to keep the podcasting engine running smoothly, so if you have a chance to visit any of these websites, that would be great. Tell them I sent you ;-). 

Finally, I would never have gotten this show off the ground without my good friend and tech guru, John Corley. Despite not being a behavior analyst, he understood the vision that I had in mind for the podcast, and shared my enthusiasm for getting it off the ground. Without his help, this show would still be a daydream.

All the best,