Do You Have That Friday Feeling ?

Published: Fri, 07/17/15

That Friday Feeling gets Me Every Time!

Yep , Every Time! I don't know why it is. I work on Saturdays nearly every week but I still LOVE Fridays! Even better when the sun is shining, I  have a new tyre at the top of the drive (where the other ones have gone I don't know but if someone really needs a tyre then good luck to them) and all is good in the World :D

Love A Wedding

Here is my beautiful cousin Zarah as she places her wedding ring onto her now husbands Fergus finger last Saturday for those of you who noticed when we were missing last weekend. It was just a beautiful day with the sun shining and love in the air. For anyone wanting a great pub to go in North London, The Lonsborough in Stoke Newington is great! Fab beers, even better food and apparently you can't get in for Sunday lunch without booking well in advance. We did brunch on Sunday at a place on Church St called The Blue Legume. Again...what a brunch! Just delicious, and I have to wonder why we can't get food as good as this in Sheffield that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Does This Remind You Of Anything?
Do you remember me harping on about sugar and how much sugar was in so called 'energy' drinks and soft drinks and 'healthy' drinks aimed at kids about 6 months ago? Well look what is in the news today! Hurrah! I can climb back on my soap box and rant for a moment. Not only is it in all these 'healthy' drinks and 'fruit' juices, it is stuffed into 'diet' food. They might take the fat out to make it 'healthy' but they stuff sugar into it instead! Just ridiculous! Our bodies NEED fat in a certain quantity. Our bodies DON"T NEED SUGAR! It just messes with our insulin levels causing massive spikes and dips causing diabetes long term. Start reading your food labels. In the ingredients list, sugar added to food may be called 
glucose sucrose  maltose corn syrup honey hydrolysed starch  invert sugar fructose molasses
5% of your calorie intake per day needs to be coming from sugar for a healthy diet. That isn't much at all. More than 22.5g of total sugars per 100g is high, 5g of total sugars or less per 100g is low. 
If you need a hand just ask. Debbie is the Sugar Knowledge Queen as you will remember from reading her board. Remember...we DON"T NEED SUGAR. We need FAT (30% of your dietary intake should be healthy fats. Compare that to the 5% from sugar) :D
And On Another Note
 You know when you lot all moan about how doing press ups or Pilates all fours position hurts your wrists? And my answer is ALWAYS "Good. Yes it will hurt, but weight bearing exercise is good for your wrists. It strengthens them"? Well here is the reason why. 
On Sunday, whilst backing into the car due to having no back because I had slept in a different bed to the one I am used to and had a different pillow; holding on to the roof as I swing my legs over, my darling,
thoughtful boy slammed my door closed. A total accident and he was really upset to have hurt me but...if that had been the same wrist 20 years ago before I started doing press ups and weights, my wrist would have broken...without a doubt. The bruise is looking quite pretty and I haven't been able to load it all week until today but it is in one piece. Anyone who needs to be shown how to do a press up properly please feel free to click here [email protected] and we will get you booked in for a wrist strengthening session :D
Here Comes The Weekend
That is it for today. have a lovely weekend everyone. Keep spreading the good news about us and let us know if there is any bad...or if there is anything you want to bring to our attention. 
See you Saturday to the ones coming to the workshop. otherwise see you next week.

Love Georgia x