I Bet You Do This ?

Published: Fri, 07/31/15

Yep, Even Me...And I Am Perfect Aren't I?


Happy Friday to you :D.  I was on the phone earlier and realised that we all just get in our own way don't we? We all do it. On Monday I went to London to be with some great, like minded people who are running their own businesses so that we could swap ideas and help each other grow. I was saying how I was going to start on 1st August, my new 'looking after me' as, although I teach regularly and see lots of lovely clients, I don't actually do anything for me. My body has got used to teaching Zumba and Pilates. I am getting fatter and I am not happy about it. I haven't been happy about it for ages but I have procrastinated about doing something about it. No time, need my sleep if I can get a lie in, so many things to do. Well I was lambasted, as only a group of like minded people could, and was sent away with a flea in my ear and a list of things to do on Tuesday to get me back on track and a time to report back to hold me accountable. So, I have been healthy eating all week, I have a trial day booked at a gym where class times suit my busy life, ordered 3 books to uplift and steady my mindset and feel amazing. I have seized the day! I am living to the best of my ability and have added a week of feeling amazing to my life that, left to my own devices, I would have missed and had a great week, but not an amazing week...just because I got in my own way.

So, whatever it is you have been putting off, or making excuses for not doing, or procrastinating about, if you can, do it today. Just do it. If you can't physically do it for a REAL reason then set a time and date for when it is next possible. Then tell someone you are going to do it to make you accountable. You will feel great once it is done. :D

Mineral Of The Month
Magnesium is a macro mineral, essential to the proper utilisation of other minerals in the body, including calcium and phosphorus.
Magnesium is critical to energy production and to over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.
It helps metabolise carbohydrates, proteins and fats, plus other minerals and nutrients, including vitamin C. 
7 out of 10 women in the UK are reported as having an inadequate intake of this important mineral.
Along with zinc this is the most frequent mineral deficiency found in the UK population. Symptoms for magnesium deficiency include tiredness, weakness, loss of appetite, arrhythmia, anaemia, cramps, mood swings, irritability, lethargy and depression. It is found in green leafy vegetables, some nuts and seeds, beans and some wholegrains, but if you are anything like me, we just don't eat this kind of stuff every day in the quantities we need to.

I know when I forget to take mine. I forget everything and feel discombobulated. Add in an Omega 3 if you already don't already take it and Bobs your uncle. head sorted!

Romance Awareness Month
Just so that you are aware, next month is Romance Awareness Month. I appreciate the fact that my hubby makes sure there are flowers for me all the time. There isn't often a time when I don't have roses on my windowsill. For everyone out there reading this...go buy someone some flowers to say you love them. It is a really nice thing to do and something we all appreciate. Even the cutting of some roses from your garden and putting them in a vase. Paragraph 1? Today if you can. Makes someones day happier and see how it makes you feel :D
Over And Out
For this week...have a lovely week and see you soon.

Love Georgia x