Do I really Do This ?

Published: Fri, 08/07/15

A Week Of Torture

Happy Friday To You !

Hasn't this week been fabulous? A touch of the yellow thing that hides so well behind our English clouds and some warmth. Lovely! Well I really can not believe that I have given myself a taste of my own medicine this week and added 2 spinning classes, a Boxercise class, a Pilates and a Yoga to my week. Do I really make you feel this bad? Unable to move until yesterday from the Boxercise on Monday, unable to sleep as I couldn't lie on my shoulders, couldn't turn over 'cos my belly hurt so much. As my Pilates people know, not being able to demonstrate and rolling around like an upturned beetle. Still...all in the name of feeling confident when Mester and I get away in October and I put my cossie on. Thankfully ...or not...we are not able to get away in August as planned as we have no staff...they are all on holiday but we have booked for October so staff or no staff we are going. If we have to shut for a fortnight we will refund you :D. I am sure it won't come to that.

What Is New And Good?
Well I have lost 3lb this week :D All with moving more and eating a little less. Not a lot, just smaller breakfast without the sugar, brown rice, fish, tomato based sauces, cut out the cheese sandwiches, added apples. Just a few changes and moved more has made a massive difference to how I feel...energised and on track. My holiday is booked and I have a 10 week plan so I can look like this :D. It is all too easy to do a last minute crash diet before your holiday, feel good for your first day and then blow it all on your first night out with a celebratory drink and a feast. 
Five Reasons to NEVER Crash Diet
  1.  Your Metabolism HATES You For It And Makes You Fatter - When you suddenly restrict your calories, the body lowers the body’s metabolism to click into the fat storage rather than fat-burning mode. It turns those fewer calories into fat. Then when you start eating “normally” again, the body has already set itself to a lower level of calorie burning, so you gain weight back faster than you took it off.
  2. Water And Muscle Is Lost Rather Than Fat -  The reasons for this false weight loss is that during the first week or two on a crash diet the body will first lose protein and water, since the wisdom of the body tells it to hold onto the fat as its last reserve. This loss of protein and water is the reason most people feel lousy during the first week or two on a crash diet.
  3. Good Fat Deficiency - Crash Diets cut out good fats, causing the dieter to have a deficiency in essential fatty acids, essential to maintaining proper fat-burning metabolism. You will get fatter once you start eating normally again.
  4. Fat Storing carbs - Another reason why crash diets fail is they don’t respect the interplay between insulin, carbohydrates, and fat storage. When you restrict your calories, your blood sugar may drop, causing you to get hungry and binge on carbohydrates, which triggers your insulin, the hormone which also promotes fat storage. In essence, getting hungry can promote fat storage rather than fat-burning.
  5. Downsizing - You know we are always saying how we hate change? Our bodies do too. If you suddenly starve your Numbskulls (remember them? Those who don't look it up) of their nutrients they will down tools and rebel. You will have an all out strike on your hands with no one willing to work. Cut out the ones who are lazy and do your body harm (refined sugars, starchy carbs, fatty meat) and change slowly, the body will accept changes and run more efficiently i.e. you will lose weight, inches and feel better :D
More New and Good!
I am extremely excited to introduce our new instructor. As one door closes and we lose our lovely Belrobics instructor , Vali, to the glittering lights of London, another one opens and I am introduced to the beautiful Eleanor through a friend. 
She will be taking over Valis class on Tuesday nights at 7.00 from Tuesday 1st September, Belly Dancing :D. I have a feeling this class is going to be very popular as I already have 8 people signed up for her first session. If you want to book your place then please mail me here. First come first served :D

Last Word
Remember it is National Romance Awareness Month. Be kind, thoughtful, if you can't say anything nice then say nothing at all. Welcome to new members. remember to try EVERYTHING in your free week but also if you miss the chance to try a class and you want to give one a try, just ask. We will sort it for you. 
Have a WONDERFUL week. I know I will. I am making the most of having my pink haired princess home (pierced, hair roots that are trendy...she is still my beautiful princess) before she goes to volunteer in a kids summer camp. See you in the week you lovely lot :D

Love Georgia xx