Okay...What Do You Think

Published: Tue, 07/14/15

Well Here it is. My first attempt at getting a newsletter out using the new format. I only have a couple of things to report that I forgot to say on Friday so I will have a go at putting photos in and have a play if that is okay with you?

Full Gym Etiquette

As you will have noticed we have quite a few new members, which is absolutely fabulous,  and from what I am hearing clothing is becoming a lot looser as you are working harder than you are used to.

We have had no problems with an increase in membership during the week, however, at weekends we are getting very busy between 9.00 and 10.30am. Can I please ask that you stick to a 10 minute maximum on the cardio equipment when you can see that we are busy? If you feel that you don't get a workout in 10 minutes than please ask us and we will give you something that will make you want to get off in 5 minutes, never mind 10 :D! I thank you for your co-operation in advance so we can be a happy gym and if anyone DOES need something to make them feel they have been on for 30 minutes then please click here [email protected]

Summer Timetable Changes
The school summer holidays are nearly upon us and this means the timetable has to be scaled down to allow for staff holidays and empty classes.
Classes to be taken off for the Summer up to now are:-
Tuesday Learn The Steps Zumba  9.00am
Tuesday Zumba                             8.00pm
Thursday Body Conditioning         8.00pm
Please be ready for some last minute cancellations due to me not being able to get cover for staff holidays. Please check your emails before you set off for the class even though I will give as much notice as I can. Also PLEASE make sure you book on via the booking system. The class numbers have to be above 4 to be viable unless it it either me or Steve taking the class as we don't get paid. I will do what I can to ensure there is at least one of every class so it might just be that you have to change your normal day of attendance if your normal tutor is on holiday. 

Well, That's It :D!

​Apart from another reminder of the FREE 5 Steps Workshop happening this Saturday 18th at 11.00. There are only 8 places left so make sure that you book your place here
Finally I have managed to do it! Amazing what you can do when you try. I will be playing with the background colour as well so we can expect some more fun in the future. But for now this is it. 1st Aweber newsletter done. Let me have any feedback here, suggestions, what you would like to see in your newsletter and I will play some more.
Until Friday!

​Love Georgia