Want To Hear An Old Joke ?

Published: Fri, 07/24/15

Laughter Is The Best Medicine
It is Tell An Old Joke Day today so I thought I would impart a little silly humour that will hopefully make you chuckle. To be told in a Yorkshire accent, especially for Mr Barnes

A man cycles to the vet, parks his bike outside and enters reception. 
"'Ow much is it to get me cat seen to?"
The vet replies "Is it a Tom?"
"Nayoor...its in me saddlebag!"

​Please send me your favourite jokes whenever you get a minute. I would love to hear them. if you can't be bothered then just shout them in the gym. We can all do with a good laugh and it is definitely the best medicine.
New Team Member
Meet our newest addition to Underground. His name is Arthur... Mr Barnes this is where your cockney comes in..."becawse 'es 'arf the man e used ta be!" Ba Bum!!

Arthur has lost a little too much weight so we are working on building up his muscle mass by lifting heavy weights with 5 sets of 6 repetitions. 

​He's not very big on conversation, in fact you won't hear a peep from him and I have warned him about hogging the machines and advised him not to work too hard on his cardio. 

Look...He Smiles :D
Tuesday was Steves birthday. Here is a rare picture that I thought you might like to see. A man of few words and facial expressions, the main one being 'solemn', I thought you might like to know and have proof of the fact that he is able to smile. 
As we went to the Dore Moor, he is also able to eat in an establishment that isn't 'BOGOF'
'Get a meal and a drink for £3.50' or '2 for £8'.  We had a lovely meal and a lovely day.
Nutritional Supplements
As you know, I take supplements myself due to the food that we eat just not being able to support my body nutritionally because of the way it is farmed. I used to take '3 4 2' from Tescos just like most of you will. I also used to use coffee as my wake up. I switched to Natures Sunshine when someone gave me a mix of liquid Chlorophyll and Solstic Energy to cure a hangover. The best cure I have ever found by the way, not that I need them for that very often these days. I started to look at the contents of the 'supplements' I was taking and amazed to find the quantity of chalk and sugar I was ingesting. Over the counter supplements are stuffed with chalk and sugar. Why would anyone want to put that into their body? 
I now have my own website that you can order directly from. There is all the information there so you can choose at leisure and be fully informed of what you are taking. Whatever product you  choose you can be sure that they are the highest quality, nutritional supplements available. 

To have a look at the product list please click http://www.bouncebacktohealth.co.uk
​Happy Shopping :D 
Until Next Week
That's it for this week. I have my granddaughter for the weekend so will be very busy and probably asleep all Sunday. Have a great weekend, whatever you are doing and see you next week. If you can't see the photos them I am also loading the newsletter onto Underground website on the 

Love Georgia x 

If you can't see the photos them I am also loading the newsletter onto Underground website on http://www.underground-fitness.co.uk/en-us/aboutus.aspx