Now This Is Romantic

Published: Sat, 08/22/15

All Us Girls Want Is...
​So here it is...National Romance Month! How has yours been so far? I have to say I have a pretty good husband in the 'looking after wifey' stakes. I always have flowers replacing the sad, dying ones. I always have a cup of tea brought to me in bed...if I am not up before hime that is. If he is still in bed then I will make him one. He cooks, he doesn't ask me to iron (not that I would do piles of ironing for ANYONE) and he does ask after my welfare most of the time and holds my hand when we are out, as I do he. But we do forget how to be romantic don't we as we muddle along together through the years of marriage? I came across this this week and it brought a lovely lump to my throat of the silly, romantic kind. Yes it is over the is done by an American, who obviously has an amazing job and knows all the right people and the money to pay them. At the same time...Oh...for a man to do all this for the woman he loves? Just bashes against my heart strings. 

Last Call For The Coat
The coat that has been left behind...and all the other lost property that I keep  letting you know about and no-one claims is going to a new home in the clothes recycle this Sunday. If you have lost anything and think you might have left it in the gym then please mail me and I will save it for you. Otherwise gone forever.
Date For Your Diary NOW!
 I know I's too bloody early to be talking about Christmas but several nights are already booked up so we have a date for the Christmas bash. Saturday 21st November at Baldwins. I have booked for 30 people so will be needing your deposits ASAP please of £10. We missed one last years because of me going away clashing with the party date and being unable to book another slot so I am really excited about this year. I hope you will all be able to come :D
For All Ladies Of A Certain Age
These are lovely little HRT cakes. They are full of all the nutrients you need to help with the symptoms of menopause, tiredness, mood swings, dry skin, hair and brittle nails, the craving for sweet things. The only problem with these lovely little cakes is they contain so many ingredients, 15 to be precise, that 9/10 people just wouldn't be bothered to buy it all in and weigh it all out. Well I have an idea to sort that. How about if you could just pick up a bag of all the ingredients ready and bagged up so all you have to do is add soya milk and malt extract and mix up in a bowl and cook it? Yeah...that would be nice and easy wouldn't it? For all those who would like to have a bag mixed for them to try please mail me back so I have an idea of the interest.

FYI when I started to have my own 'tropical moments' a year ago and waking up having to change the soaking wet sheets someone advised me to stop drinking cows milk. Cows are pumped full of hormones to make them produce more milk which is then passed into the milk. I switched to almond milk and haven't had one since. It was like I had turned off a tap. Could be placebo effect I have no idea. I just know it worked for me. Try it...what harm can it do?
Penultimate Week
That's it for this week...the penultimate mail before the last one of August. Kids will be back to school before we know it and our lives will go back to normal...busy roads, coffee mornings with mums, shopping without "Mum...can I have this?". What is in store for my boy? Don't know yet as he hasn't given it much thought I don't think and gets all grumpy when I try to talk about it so I guess he will get himself sorted one way or another. Have a great week peoples and see you soon.

Love Georgia x