I Am So Excited I Could Just.....

Published: Fri, 08/28/15

Can It Possibly Be?
Look Everybody...it says it is going to be sunny on Bank Holiday Monday! I am holding that picture in my head for the rest of the weekend. Let us all do some 'sunny day on Monday' mantras and see if we can get the weather man to get it right. Wouldn't it be a dream if this is what happens on Monday? I know the weather forecast can change in the blink of an eye but this time ...Oh please, please, please, Mr Weatherman get it right. I have been counting and I can count three weekend days that have been sunny this year. One in March, one when i went to Kates wedding anniversary and last Saturday. Don't want to get my hopes up too high but I am going to be believing with all my heart :D

Don't forget we are closed Bank Holiday Monday. We open again as normal on Tuesday
Belly Dancing Starts This Week!
Very excited that belly dancing is starting this week with the lovely Eleanor. We are very lucky to have her as she is a very busy young lady. 
I have actually found a clip of her on YouTube if anyone thinking about signing up would like to have a look. https://youtu.be/SUhp9oQbHY0
And anyone who wants to book the class better get on it before the offer goes out tomorrow for a free belly dancing class Tuesday 7.00pm https://goteamup.com/p/164255-underground-fitness/e/3276440-belly-dancing/
Psoriasis Awareness Month
This condition can be extremely mild where is is barely noticeable to anyone else but the sufferer, or can be chronically debilitating. People with Psoriasis have an increased production of skin cells. Although not fully understood, it is thought to be linked to a problem with the immune system. What is known (and I have had several clients who suffer with this condition) is that poor diet and stress increase symptom levels where ultraviolet light and a green diet decrease symptom levels. It affects 2% of the UK population and can start at any age, thought to be 'triggered' by a major stress on the immune system. I have had clients start with at after GCSE stress, bereavement and divorce. My last consumer of the wonderful Natures Sunshine products was getting married and suffered with psoriasis on her hands but wanted to be able to look down with pride as her husband put the wedding band on her finger. First of all she cut all sugar from her diet as well as starchy carbs and alcohol. Then added in plenty of fruit and veg with lots of dark greens and oily fish. We chose a course of Silver Shield gel to use whenever she felt like, upped her vitamin C and a course of Immune Defence to give her immune system a boost. And then a healthy extra dose of greens came from Lean Greens which I have put out here before. Her hands for the day? "I felt so proud to hold my hand out...I felt amazing thank you. They were so much better". The links to order are here http://www.bouncebacktohealth.co.uk/a-z_products.htm?letter=S 
And for the Lean Greens just let me know you want some. You can ask for a taste whenever...I always have some in that I am taking. 
So, Today Is...
Kiss And Make Up Day! No I am not kidding :D So we have had National Romance Month but still some little bickers come through don't they. Well you what? Just let it go (there is a song there somewhere). What ever it is you are bickering about it just isn't important in the big scheme of things...and if it is then maybe you need to take stock and bring about some change in your life. For those of you having a little bicker, end the month with a massive kiss, cuddle and make up. Write a list of all the things you love about your partner and get them to do the same. It will make a lovely end to a lovely month. 
Schools Back...
...Along with the heavy traffic in the morning. But just think, back to normal HURRAH! There are parents all over Sheffield breathing a sigh of relief and teachers going down with depression like skittles. Have a wonderful bank Holiday, whatever you are doing. I will hopefully be in the garden or if it is raining, doing new Zumba tunes. See you all soon.

Love Georgia x