I Can NOT Be Turning Into My Mother Can I ?

Published: Fri, 08/14/15

Maniacal Laughing

We all love a laugh don't we? But when was the last time you belly laughed so hard your tummy hurt? The tears streamed from your eyes as you doubled over clutching your midriff? And it carries on...and on...and on until you actually forget what set you off...but you can't stop...and people are starting to look, which makes it worse! You laugh harder sounding hysterical and feeling a little mad. This is when I start to realise that I have an awful lot of my mother in me...half of me. No matter how much I have tried to NOT turn into my mother, I am doing it, slowly but surely. A discussion with a client revealed she too gets the awful urge to misbehave when in a place where we really shouldn't. (My mother loves being 'naughty' which she does with us when we go out just to embarrass us. One of her favourites is to say in an extremely loud stage whisper"Look at 'er...You don't get many of them to the lb" and other similar observations about peoples appearances) . That feeling of wanting to be naughty and fail miserably when having to stifle giggle like a child. When did we have to stop all this child-like silliness though? Why do we have to stop? It makes us feel wonderful, joyful, uplifted and energised. I am going to keep laughing like a mad woman. I like being a bit mad...keeps me sane :D To have a good giggle have a listen to this. https://youtu.be/kvSfxhqqJoI. Remind you of anyone?

Lost property
We have a lovely New Look beige raincoat, a blue chiffon type scarf, currently being modelled on reception by Arthur, and a lovely sparkly clip on earing.
Please let me know if any of these belong to you so I can put a name to them and let you have them back. 

If unclaimed then I will take them to a charity shop...apart from the one earing of course, which is no use to anyone apart from maybe a person with one ear, or the owner of the other one.
The Digestive and Intestinal System
You will have heard the saying You Are What You Eat yes? Well we are not just what we eat, we are what we absorb. Aloe helps you absorb the nutrients that you are doing your best to eat every day. It is in itself a nutritional storehouse containing vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6 as well as huge amounts of vitamin C, niacin amide, choline, which is a massive liver support, and 18 amino acids. Inflammation is at the root of conditions and disease within the body and foods that particularly can cause  this are sugar, gluten and milk...all of which are in our daily diet.Aloe cools and soothes the whole of the digestive tract from top to bottom (literally :D). Sugar flattens the villi hindering absorption of nutrients. Aloe supports the villi enabling them to lengthen which in turn helps them absorb nutrients more efficiently. Natures Sunshine Aloe Vera is 100% Pure. It is only the Aloe leaf that is harvested for the juice and not the rest of the plant like other Aloe drinks. Along the lines of inflammation we can also look at Slippery Elm, one of the oldest remedies used by the native Americans. It provides Mucilage that is a slippery substance when mixed with water to helps things slip up or down in the right way for your body. It is a great aid for nausea and a must for those of us without an appendix. The job of the appendix is to provide mucus and synovial fluid so food coming through the small intestine can defy gravity and travel UP the large intestine. Those without one need not be surprised if they get a little constipated. Finally we finish with ProB 11...the probiotic with ALL the good bacterias needed to keep the area in balance. The capsule of the Natures Sunshine is made in such a way that it doesn't open until it gets into the environment of the intestines and contains NO sugar, which you will find in all the probiotic drinks you can buy...which, as we have already learnt, flatten the villi. All three can be taken together or separately to aid digestinal health and soothe digestive problems.
Click here to visit my online shop to order direct or if you want any more info please mail back and I will answer any questions. 

I would like to ask you something [email protected]
This was my face when I saw my sons AS level results.
Hey ho...at least it means he is a DUDE!
All is not lost yet and I am sure there will be a way. many before me have said this and I am sure many more will after. Sometimes lads just need a massive kick up the a***.
Well he has one and is hoping and praying they will let him stay on at Silverdale but unless the whole of the year has similar results from expected A and B mocks then I doubt it very much. 
I have told him that we could do with a plumber, bricky, plasterer and an electrician in the family so if he could be a good allrounder that would be fab :D. Congrats to all of you with children heading off to Uni. I have heard of some amazing results and you should be very proud. I am very proud of my boy...but he did need a kick up the bum!
Another One Gone
Yet another week over...where does it go? I have lots of new bras if you are feeling like a change or you are wearing one that is tatty and has less hold than a hammock that has been in the sun too long. Just let me know and I can be around to make sure you get the right size. 

Until next week my lovelies

​Love Georgia xx