Crying Again !

Published: Sat, 09/12/15

Yep, Crying Again!
I can't help it...I am just one great big rooar babby! Happy news, sad news, tissue adverts on the telly, trailers for Lassie, it is embarrassing! I feel it is good to be emotional, certainly healthier than bottling it all up but when it comes to the point when you can't speak on the phone because you have been given some nice news and the other person is going "Hello? Hello?" it gets a bit much. I will tell you more about my news when I have more knowledge about what to do and when but just know that Underground Fitness has been shortlisted for an National award from the Fitness Industry Association - who are HUGE by the way in the fitness World and I got all choked up. Will tel you more when I know more but I MUST get some tissues on reception! 
All Change
It's a hard job but someone has to do it. This is what we ended up doing instead of Zumba on Thursday night as getting a party atmosphere with two is pretty difficult so we took the party upstairs...where they are now selling prosecco at a very reasonable price of £12.95 a bottle. However, the Thursday night classes have been slowly getting quieter and quieter so I am thinking of a change. What are your feelings on Stretch and Flex, a stretching class incorporating some balance and strength with some relaxation at the end to get you ready for your bed? We do Zumba Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I feel a change is needed but let me know your thoughts please.
Christmas Bash
I need final numbers for the Christmas do at Baldwins on November 21st by the end of the week as well as deposits please. If you haven't booked yet and you want to go you MUST let me know by the end of this week. It is £31 and I will be paying the deposit on Friday 18th. To put yourself on the party list please click here and please pay your deposit of £10 by Friday [email protected]
Daytime Classes
I am aware that daytime classes are few and far between as, up to now, there hasn't been much call for them. We have had an influx of daytime members and so I thought I would put it to you to see if there is any interest. We already have a Broadway Babes, Zumba and Lets Tango but are there any other classes that you would like to see that would make you consider upgrading your membership for? Yoga? Silver Circuits? Please let me know the type of class and an ideal timeslot. Feedback from you is extremely important to me and I can't run Underground without it. [email protected]
Holiday Coming....
Most of you have already had your holiday and have returned, bronzed, relaxed, recharged and ready for the next challenge. We haven't been yet, but we are going in 3 weeks...3 days...and 1 and a half hours, not the we are counting or anything. This is the longest holiday we have taken since opening the doors 4 and a half years ago and the longest too, two whole weeks. The gym will be open as usual although I would like to know your thoughts on us opening at 7am instead of 6.30. There will be some timetable changes also but I will do my best to get MOST classes covered. Please click if opening at 7.00am would really inconvenience you. georgia@underground-fitness,
Another One Down
Until next week you lovely lot. have a great wet weekend cosied up on the sofa watching some films or reading a good book and I will see you in the week.

​Love Georgia xx