Off My Head All Day

Published: Fri, 09/18/15

Pain Awareness Month
Well, some would say no more than normal, but today I really have been off my head. A sneeze with a mouth full of toothpaste so had my head down to the sink, left me in back spasm as my little tweaky disc decided that a sneeze was just too much for it to bear and so tried to escape. A large quantity of medication later, plus rolling around on the floor for a bit meant I was late for my client but could walk. Was this a little reminder as to what I was going to talk about in my newsletter? Maybe. 

America has the month of September as Pain Awareness month. Today has given me a little reminder that some people are in pain all the time, for various reasons. I was panicking after only 10 minutes...I am not good with pain and believe in taking the pain killers and getting on with it. Some conditions are chronic and the thought of feeling like that with no light at the end of the tunnel, not knowing if or when it was going to end must be exhausting on the whole of the body systems. 

A couple of tried and tested people I know are happy to give free consultations to assess and see if they can help. 

Katie Bell - Physiotherapist
Emma Carlin - Reflexolgist   [email protected]
Cliff Wilde - Nutrition King

Bra Bank
Another bag of bras has been collected this week for Against Breast Cancer. They have teamed up with BCR Textiles who send any good bras off to developing countries in Africa where they are too expensive to produce. Any bra deemed beyond help is recycled. 
BCR donate £1000 for every tonne of bras collected to Against Breast Cancer for research. I don't know about you but, every time I sort out my underwear drawer I always keep ones that "I might wear again" when I never do. I am sorting my drawer out this weekend. Want to help me fill the bin again? Bet we could do it in a week :D. If you know anyone who isn't a member but might have a load of bras that need throwing out please forward this email to them. I can collect if they can't get out.
Little White Book
Okay, I told you all about being shortlisted for an award in customer service last week. Well many of you have asked if there was a link you could vote for us on. Well I inquired and there isn't but, they will be coming out to see us and take photographs. One of the suggestions was to put a guest book on reception for people to write in which they will look at, and maybe take away with them as evidence of what our customers think. Could I ask you all to write a line or two about us, why you are so loyal that would be great. You never know. 
Winter Opening
 Thank you to the early risers who have agreed to let us open at 7.00am in the winter months. Remember people, when it snows really snows. I always put out a notice on the website if we are shut or if the hours are shortened. I will also send out a newsletter on the day just to try and let all our members know. The drive has been shovelled regularly over the last few years and there is no way I am doing it again this year. My tennis and golfers elbow have never recovered. Thankfully is doesn't usually last that long even when it whumps it down and we have only been closed for a full day twice in four and a half years. 
Winter Comforts
The one thing that I really love about the nights closing in and the colder weather coming is the food. It all of a sudden becomes a lot easier. Chuck all your veggies and some meat into a slow cooker and leave it with the stock and herbs and tea is done. I love salad, don't get me wrong, but it is such a pain to prepare. Topping and tailing radishes, stripping the spring onions, get a massive bowlful and it's gone and you have to start again the next day. Now a good stew? Lasts a couple of meals, freezes well and you can add different meats, stock and herbs and veg to get a totally different taste. Have it with rice, potatoes or on its own with relish. Mmmmmmm I love winter food!I am working on getting us some discount in local fruit and veg shops so watch this space :D
Another Week Closer To Jollies
Thank you for a lovely week. A big welcome to those who are new. My week was made by my nephew who exclaimed with pure joy and a big beaming smile "You bought me a ballooooon!" at his 9th birthday party this week. Joy and pure pleasure at getting a balloon for your birthday is not heard very often coming out of a nine year olds mouth. Makes my heart go gushy :D. See you soon

​Love Georgia xx