My face Was A Pizza !

Published: Sat, 09/05/15

Hooray it's Friday again :D. How have you been this week I hope the school traffic hasn't delayed you too much and you haven't gone into the doldrums with the weather. Where was the lovely bank Holiday weather Mr Weatherman eh? Just rubbish and that weather man needs sacking...getting my hopes up like that. 
Pizza Face is a photo I thought I would never show anyone, taken 6 months ago to show my doctor just how bad my skin was and why I needed antibiotics to sort it please. Well I had antibiotics...followed by a course of Pro11 of course to put some healthy biotics back in my system. Well I have to tell you what happened this week. On Wednesday lady in my class asked me to come into the light so she could have a good look at my face. "Your skin is absolutely glowing" she said. "What have you been doing?" Well the antibiotics finished 3 months ago and the only thing I have changed is I have been having the fab little HRT rock cake every morning for my breakfast which is rammed packed full of seeds and nuts and the only thing I can think of. I am not saying that these HRT rock cakes can perform miracles because they can't. What I can tell you is a) antibiotics are sometimes the only way to go and as long as you put some good stuff back in, they are not the devil and b) The rock cakes are so full of good stuff that even if you think your skin is good, it can look better. They are in stock now. £5 per bag, £7 with the malt extract as well if you don't have any. 
Top Tan Savers
You are back from your holidays feeling fabulous, looking healthy, relaxed, stress free and ready to start again until the next holiday. How do we keep looking and therefore feeling so good for longer. Keep the tan going...for as long as possible! 
  1. Cool Showers. Hot, as lovely as it feels, dehydrates so keep your cleaning water cool and add a lovely shower oil to lock in your colour.
  2. Moisturise again and again and again. Also upgrade your usual body lotion for a body butter - body shop do a lovely one with coconut oil that keeps you right back in holiday mode
  3. ​Exfoliate. I sound wrong but you need to get rid of the dead skin and keep the under layers moisturised. No amount of moisturiser will stick the skin back on. 
The Nervous System
I am going to go into this system much more as we go into the month but today, just know that is a beautifully complicated lovely thing that is there to protect you. It is your fight / flight reflex which produces adrenaline so you can move cars off people who are trapped, feel no pain when limbs have been cut off and get to a phone or a hospital. It is amazing! Unfortunately it is also the thing that causes us to feel anxious, have restless sleep and palpitations and if not calmed down, can cause other reactions in the body that are called silent killers. After several discussions with members who are, or know people who feeling worried about the winter setting in, have SAD (seasonal affected disorder) I feel I have to tell you of a wonderful little seed called CHIA. I don't believe in wonder foods and after much persuasion, was given a free bag to try and log how I felt while taking it. It was sold to me as a 'diet supplement'. One week in, I felt a bit lighter, two weeks in, yes...felt good. It was only three weeks in that I realised, at a time when I used to cry every Monday morning coming back into work, that I hadn't been fact I hadn't cried once. Not normal at all. When I asked him about this he said "Oh yeah, forgot about that one...great isn't it?" This was a man who had cancer and was taking it for its protein mass to promote muscle growth with low testosterone levels. The increase in serotonin for him had been a total surprise as it wasn't what he was taking it for. I have Chia in stock at £18 per kilo. Read about it. It is fab, and mine is much cheaper than Holland and Barratt. Neither Steve (who suffered with SAD terribly) or myself would be without it. 
Saturday 19th September
It is here again, the 5 Steps Formula Workshop to get control of your life and become the best version of yourself you can be. Every time I do this workshop it changes and grows, as I change and grow and more things are added. People who have been, have already heard that I am a work in progress, getting better and better at getting comfortable with being me, no pretending to be someone I am not, and if you don't like me it is okay. We can't all like each, it would make life very boring. The next workshop is coming. To book your FREE place click here. Places are limited due to lack of chairs so book your place here [email protected]
All Is Well That Ends Well
Have a lovely weekend lovely people and I look forward to seeing you in the week...or even tomorrow.

Love Georgia x