Lots Of Important Info !

Published: Fri, 10/02/15

4 More Sleeps!
​Well this is where we will be waking up on Wednesday morning where it is still 25 - 30 degrees and starting the longest holiday we have ever had since Underground opened. If I manage to sleep before then with all the things I am whittling about it will be a miracle. Lots to do, lots to sort and lots to let you know about so i will just get on with it x
While We Are Away
You have met the team...Debs, Josh and Calvin as well as the young lads at night, Sam and Nefyn. We are leaving it in their capable hands. Calvin is off this next week visiting his grandma so boxing has had to be cancelled Wednesday and Friday. LBT will be on, covered by Josh. The other thing...Calvin could also be ill and we are awaiting blood tests for glandular fever. In which case the gym will be CLOSED Sunday 11th and 18th. 
IF YOU COME ON SUNDAYS PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE HOME PAGE. I will put a notice on there and there will be signage in the gym also. 
I have covered classes that I have been able to. Please check that if you come to a class I teach that it is on. If it isn't on the class booking page then sorry but I won't have been able to get it covered.
National Fitness Industry Association Award
We have a date they are coming to see us :D! Friday 23rd October in the morning...EEEEK! They have also given me a questionnaire and asked me to get as many members as possible to fill one in. You know what is coming next don't you? Please, please, please, while I am away, can you take one and fill one in. You have to give a number 1 - 10 of your opinion of the question asked and comment in the box. Obviously, if the question is not applicable to you then you can just write N/A. I thank you in advance...and don't forget the lovely little guest book that you can also leave any comments in xxxxxxx
Booking In To Classes
​We are looking to improve on the type of classes we offer and this can only be done by losing the ones that are consistently low in numbers. We do this by looking at the Go Team Up booking system and see how many people we get on the class. If you are one of these people who never book in then please start booking. We are quite happy to show you how if you are struggling but we need to tighten up and people are asking for other things which we can't put on without doing some number crunching. Love you...but man up and learn how to book on or your much loved class may be replaced with something else. 
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Men ALSO get breast cancer...this is not just a female disease. To kick off the month we are helping the lovely men in our lives. Symptoms are  
  1. 1. Oozing from the nipple​​ (a discharge that may be blood stained
  2. Swelling of the breast, or a lump, often painless, more commonly beneath the nipple but can be anywhere on the breast area
  3. A sore (ulcer) in the middle of the breast
  4. A tender or drawn in/ inverted nipple
A weekly check when you have a bath or shower, just the same as women, to see if there are any differences. The most important thing is DO NOT LEAVE IT to see if it will go away. The quicker the diagnosis the better the end results. Love you lovely male  gym and class members :D
The End For Now
Okay...I have written a list and this is what was on it but tonight I may wake up with a "Gasp...forgot to say..." moment. In which case you may get an extra mail this week. I am hoping not as I think once a week is enough but...needs must. I only have your wellness at heart and want to make sure everything is in order before I go. 

Thank you for being you and may see you before we go.
Love Georgia x