Are There Penguins In Paradise ?

Published: Fri, 10/09/15

There Are Worse Places To Have Lunch
Well I would have sent you a photo but it wouldn't upload so image to let you know where we had lunch. Just know the picture was of me and a smiling (yes smiling) hubster with the backdrop of blue sky, clear sea and beach. Think there is a palm tree or too as well. I hear it has been raining. Sorry :D
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the people who have come through my door who have thought they have had, had, are going through treatment for or have had someone close to them die or are survivors of breast cancer. It is not just a female disease, as said last week. Check, check and check again. Get used to your body and how it looks and feels so you recognise any change in the shape, feeling or texture of the breast. If you know your body, you are more likely to notice a small change and get it checked immediately. Do not put it off. If your doctor fobs you off, get a second opinion. You will not be thought stupid. I was referred to the breast clinic with pain from a pulled intercostal muscle. The pain felt like breast pain. The team were amazing and didn't make me feel stupid at all. Better to be safe than sorry. The sooner it is caught the better the outcome. Unsure how to do a breast check? Click Here
What Did We Do?
 What did we do without technology eh? There are so many people trying to finish off their Friday (as am I) I can't upload any pics and the internet is ridiculously slow. I am sure the team are looking after you. Please let me know if I need to get the cat o' nine tails out on my return, although I am certain I won't have to whip them. In fact I am sure I will be booking more of these holiday things. I like it. 
People Aware
It has come to my attention that an incident happened causing a few members to feel uncomfortable. I only know this as several of you have come to me saying they didn't want to say anything at the time but you felt it unfair and inconsiderate.
Please can you be thoughtful to other users of the gym. Some mornings it can get ... I will call it vibrant. It is busy, but with care and consideration for others, it works. At busy times can you please ensure you only spend 10 minutes on each piece of cardio equipment. If you can not get a good workout in 10 minutes then please ask a member of staff to show you how to get one. Believe me, gym cardio equipment bores me to death, being a runner, and I know the ways to get heart rate up, calories burnt in as little time as possible. I thank you all in advance so we can have a happy gym. 
And The Penguin?
 Well I will leave to your imagination but I am now leaving you for the week. Have a fab week, remember the book on reception please and the forms for our visitor on the 23rd! Eeeek!

Love Georgia and the Petrified Penguin xx