Ok Ok I Get It

Published: Fri, 09/25/15

Universe You Can Stop Now Please?
Today I had a chat with my mentor and he said something that made complete sense. "Darling, when you are doing far too much then the Universe will find a way of MAKING you stop or delegate if you won't stop or delegate of your accord" and how true that is. You know me. I love that 'Universe' thing. But I am a bit of a control freak. I want to do everything in my business because no one else knows my business as I do. I know how I want things done but don't get the time to write the Operations Manual so others could pick up my way of doing things because I am so busy trying to do everything. So last week the Universe tried to give me a bad back. HA! Didn't work! So has made me feel rubbish all week with a head cold and blocked ears. Ok I get it and you can just stop it now as I am going on holiday for 2 weeks R & R in 10 days time. Might have to take the computer with me though. I can feel myself twitching with the thought of being incommunicado for 2 weeks. 
Xmas Bash
I have paid the deposits for 26 people for the Christmas night out on November 21st. We have only 4 spare places so if you want to come you had better get your name down now. She rang me from Baldwins as they were turning people away. I have paid for more than we have on the list as I ALWAYS get late runners "Is there room for one more?"  
A warm welcome to all our new members this past month. It is lovely to have a vibrant, energetic feeling gym. Can I remind you all to please put the equipment away in the correct place after you have used it. The dumbbells are stacked in a certain order to make it easier to lift them off the stack as are the barbells. It also keeps the health and safety man happy (that's my hubster if anyone didn't know and we all know how he doesn't wear the word happy very easily. maybe it is being married to me?)  
Back To My Cold
I was trying to think when the last time I had a cold was. I honestly can not remember the last time I caught a cold. Lots of people have said "Oh I always get one when the seasons change" or "Guaranteed when the kids go back to school and start mixing with others." Last year I had everyone and their aunt coming through the doors hacking, coughing, sneezing; all trying to do a bit of exercise to make them feel a bit better. A little exercise does actually boost the immune system so it is a good thing to do. I never got a sniffle. So I have been thinking "What has changed? What am I doing now that I haven't been doing for the last 3 years?" The answer? Nothing. If anything I am grafting a little less even though I am still working long hours. I have staff so I get time away from the gym. "Okay then, what am I not doing?" BING! Like a light going on. I have been taking a massive, natural, anti-oxidant for the past 3 years. A support for the immune system and anti-inflammatory. I haven't taken it for 2 months...wasn't sure it was doing me any good. I let the little men in my head tell me that it probably didn't work any better than drinking a smoothie. See, I am just like you. Not quite sure whether to believe the hype (even though it has won awards!) And now here I am with a pingy back and a cold. Right George...get your purse out. Not the cheapest but I am never going without it again. There is a 4 for 3 offer on at the moment so don't just listen to me. Read up on it. See what others are saying. I know I will never start my morning without it again. http://www.bouncebacktohealth.co.uk/zambroza_offer_-_buy_3_get_1_free.htm
Penultimate One
The penultimate mail before holidays...seems a long time since we had a little jolly. Please don't forget to write some nice things in the little book on reception. Thank you to those who have already. It will make a difference when they come to see us to assess as to whether I deserve it or not. We all know I do but they have to be convinced. have a great week and see you very soon.

Love Georgia x