It's Started

Published: Fri, 11/13/15

Those Dreaded Words
It has started this week...the dreaded 'C' word...or 'X' word if you are under 30 and think that this is the letter that Christmas begins with. I have already been called "The Grinch"  and expect to be called it a lot more over the next six weeks. Just so you won't be expecting Underground to be full of tinsel and baubles I am letting you know that Underground is a Christmas Free Zone. No trimming up, no fairy lights and definitely no Christmas music. It isn't that I don't like Christmas, I do, a lot. I absolutely hate the ramming of elbows, the queuing, the shoving of trollies into your ankles and stressed people being angry, hot, flustered with monkey arms trying to carry far too much and being unable to fit through a door or shop aisle without smashing into you without so much as a 'sorry'. So I stay away from it all as much as I can to keep my sanity. I do my bit of shopping at 3 o'clock in the morning a couple of days before, get little token gifts, a couple of extras for the holidays that we wouldn't normally buy like a cheese board and port. That is me, done. I love my Christmas holidays with no stress, spending fabulous family time watching silly TV, going for walks and having a pyjama day. Heaven!
This Weeks Cure 
I haven't mentioned this little beauty for a long time so thought I would give you a little reminder with the weather turning and more people (including myself) feeling joint aches and pains that disappear in warmer months. This Frankincense and Myrrh muscle and joint rub is amazing. Use it every day over a period of time (results take longer with chronic conditions) by rubbing to the area, knees, wrists, elbows etc and you will be amazed. One day I walked normally across the floor after using it for a week with rotten ankles from old Zumba shoes. This was recommended to me by a lady who swears by it for her knees. Once the pain has eased you can then start cutting down the regularity that you apply it. £11 a tube and your money back if you feel no benefit after a week. I will use it as it works for me. it is in the glass cabinet on the right of reception. 
Christmas Bash
Saturday 21st is a week away and I still am waiting for some of you to confirm by paying a deposit and to pay the balance. I will cancel places if this isn't done by End of Tomorrow (the is Saturday) as I have to stump up the money and if you don't come I am out of pocket. We have 2 definite places spare if anyone would like to come but places have been taken and not confirmed as well so let me know if you fancy a great night with the girls by tomorrow please. No later. Am sorting it on Saturday
Paula will be starting to teach Yoga from here on Tuesday mornings 9.30. This is not part of gym membership as she is renting the studio but if there are enough members who would like to upgrade to include classes then I could get her to teach one for us. She is putting on a FREE trial class this Tuesday 17th so if you would like to see how this fabulous practice could help your health and relaxation please click here. Only 6 places available.
Saturday Opening
Well, for the past fortnight I have been flying about like a Skopididdle to get into work for 8.00 and to then have to sit 'wi' monk on' in an empty gym with the first people coming thought the door being Dave the PT and his client at 9. So...I am going to give 8.30 a try for a couple of weeks. This will give me an extra half an hour to sort out my rammel at home and if no one requires me to open at this time I will go back to 9.00 as I don't want to get out of bed on a Saturday morning either.  
Another One Over
Have a fantastic week all you lovely people and I will see you next week. Oooooh, forgot to tell you, the do on the 4th is black tie! I get to wear a frock!! A posh frock! I don't do that very often :D I am really looking forward to it.

​Love Georgia x