She Totally Spooked Me

Published: Fri, 10/30/15

Last year on Halloween I walked in from work to have this jump out at me for a joke. Ha ha ha how I laughed. This is Harriet using her artistic talents to the best of her ability on Halloween. She has a skill and I am sure could make a lot of money before fright night making up peoples faces. I for one, having no children dressing up this year, (we usually has my niece's birthday party to go to but they are in Boston this year) will have the curtains closed and the door locked while I eat my pumpkin soup and watch good old Saturday night telly. I also say bah humbug to Christmas before Christmas Eve so be ready for the gym being a Christmas free zone. 
Vitamin C
Ha..I love it when the Universe throws something my way when I don't expect it. Do you remember last week when I told you about Vitamin C RDA and ODA amounts? Well, Saturday morning I saw a client who had come down with ANOTHER cold...second one in 3 weeks, just getting over the last one when BAM! "Try these" I said. 1 every hour for 5 hours for 3 days. I saw her on Monday and she was feeling MUCH better. Okay. I was happy and so was she. In came our lovely physiotherapist Sally, headachy, stinker of a cold right there from her nephew she had seen over the weekend. "Try these" I said. Now our Sally is a little sceptical over this sort of thing and I know she eats as well as a human being can eat. "If they don't work you don't have to pay me for them" says I. A text came into my phone. She was running again by Wednesday and "I owe you for the Vit C, It worked a treat!". Worth having some in to give a massive boost to your immune system even if you don't choose to take one every day. I have some on order but to get yours direct then just click here
Lost Property
We have an array of lost property once more that I will either start wearing myself of give to charity if no one claims it by next week. As well as this lovely DKNY watch, which has been in the till for over a month, we have a green blue RAB top (I like this very much so will steal it if unclaimed), a pair of Olympus shorts, navy/ black with white trim, size 10 (too small for me) and a pair of black, puma, sport socks found on the drive outside. To claim your items before I steal them (will give the socks a wash before I wear those :D) then please click here [email protected]
Over the next few weeks we will be decorating the shower rooms. This may mean you won't be able to use the shower room you are used to using or that you may have to wait if there is someone in there. I have never known it yet for there to be both shower rooms being used at the same time, but I can guarantee that the moment I step in there with a pot of paint there will be a ruddy queue. That lovely law of Sod gets me EVERY time. Just warning you :D x
Stay Safe
 So we have Halloween this weekend, which you will either love or hate. In the past I have always enjoyed trying to frighten the little darlings that knock at my door more than they expect. A dark hallway, creeping up to the door and then opening it really fast and screaming. I have had many a child near to tears. Well, what do they expect? Anyhow, as I said, not for me this year, but if you know you are going to get kiddies knocking as they are neighbours or live close by then what is the harm in joining in a little? Be prepared with a few sweeties that will keep until Christmas if they don't all go and Bobs your Uncle. All good, healthy, scary fun.

Have a great one and see you next week.

​Love Georgia xx