Definitely read This If You Are New

Published: Fri, 11/06/15

Junk Mail!
​Happy Friday to all! This week we have had quite a few new people coming through our doors in one form or another so i feel i need to make everyone aware of why I send these. They are not just for my enjoyment on a Friday afternoon I promise you. I use these newsletter to give you news about us, information I hope you will find informative and interesting, but also to let you know of last minute closures and timetable changes. We are coming into Winter and yes, it has been mild up to now, but, when it whumps it down up here, it really does whump it down. There were only two days we didn't get to open at all last year as the drive can get impassable but I will let you know if this happens. 
Mens Health Awareness Month
 To some, November is just a dark, usually wet, horrible month in the run up to December. For others it is a time to get silly and 'grow a mo' for Movember. My husband has done this several years running, looks totally silly and it itches him like having a top lip of bitey things. if you are interested in getting silly and growing a silly Mo (and there are Mo'sistas as well, although we don't have to take drugs so we can grow a moustache ladies so don't worry) then click here to register
It is that time of year again so i just want to put it out there and ask you all to please be careful on the steps and the ramp and the drive of the wet leaves. I do my best to clear them but we are so surrounded by them I don't really stand a chance. They are like glass if stepped on and I would hate to see anyone come a cropper, particularly as the evenings are drawing in and the mornings are a little darker. keep your eyes peeled when coming across the car park too. I have seen one lady go down on her way to the pub (not on her way back so can't blame that) and it looked very painful.
Immune System
 Right, I know I keep banging on about it so this is the last time I am going to mention it. Keep your immune system strong by eating plenty of antioxidants - red beans, blueberries, pinto beans, cranberries, blackberries, prunes. artichokes, strawberries and raspberries, and many more. Don't have time for that faff? Then do as I do and take a shot of Zambroza everyday. All you need in one shot. Either click on the link or I have some in stock if you want. I even have some open in the fridge if you want to try some. FAB stuff and anti-inflammatory too so great for inflammatory conditions. 
I have also had feedback form 2 more this week, that is 5 altogether, who have been cured of their colds by taking the mega doses of Vitamin C. Again I have some on order which I am hoping will arrive tomorrow, but if you want to shop online the here is that link again. 
And FINALLY the one for daily upkeep of a strong immune system, support for a weakened immune system, your Immune Defence
I will now leave your immune system in your capable hands. Anyone out there suffering? You have the advice. Don't bring your colds and coughs in here please. Just click on the appropriate link and get yourself better quicker. 
All Booked
Well, the tickets are booked for us to take a trip to Leicester for the National Fitness Awards on December 4th and either be the ones clapping politely with a fixed smile on our faces or screaming like banshees making a complete show of ourselves. I am obviously hoping it will be the latter but I am proud to have got this far and am looking forward to dressing up and being posh for the night. Uh oh...anyone who knows me also knows I don't do posh very well. I tend to go totally the other way, spill food, slop drinks and dance like a crazy woman. I will apologise to my husband and team in advance for any pippy show I make of us all. I will designate myself as the driver to minimise destruction :D 
See You All Next Week
Have a great weekend everyone, and if I don't see you tomorrow i will see you in the week. Thank you for being lovely

Love Georgia x