We Screamed So Loud !

Published: Sat, 12/05/15

National Fitness Association Awards
This is quite possibly the shortest newsletter you will ever receive from me.
As most of you know, we were at the Leicester Athena last night having been shortlisted for the National Fitness Association Award for Customer Service, one of 19 categories. We were one of 6 South Yorkshire clubs shortlisted for an award, 4 in Sheffield, one in Stocksbridge and one in Tankersley. Our table was at the back...a long way from the stage. " They aren't going to put winners back here are they? Too far away from the stage." As each of the other category winners were announced and South Yorkshire didn't win, my hopes raised a little. Then Stocksbridge won their category. "They aren't going to give two to Sheffield are they?" (I count Stocksbridge as Sheffield) "Never mind...great night". They read out all the shortlisted in our category. We whooped as loud as four can (quite loud actually). The table next to us were louder and were already winners in their mindset, slapping hands, shouting "C'mon!" 
"Aaaaaand the winner is .......looks like..."
He started to sing a song by The Jam
"We're going Underground..........."
I looked at Steve. "Really?"
We screamed so loud I swear we deafened the table next to us. We stamped, we jumped, we hugged and screamed and jumped and stamped a bit more. We jumped our way to the stage...ALL the way to the stage where we screamed a bit more and said our thank yous and were photographed. And then went screaming and jumping back to our table.

Thank you all, for your loyalty, your comments, your cards and hugs. My normally solemn husband hasn't stopped smiling since and I can not get the grin off my face. Underground has been open for nearly 5 years and they haven't been easy years. As anyone in business or self employed knows, it has been lots of hard work for no financial reward (yet). The reason I have kept going is because I love what I do (as well as being a stubborn bugger that will not give in). I am passionate about there being a better way in the fitness industry of treating people and I could not have done it had the people coming through my doors been different to you.

A masshoosive shout out to my lovely team, Debs and Josh, for being like minded, accepting (when I lose my marbles a little) and just as passionate about Underground as I am. They are both AMAZING and the best a girl could get. 

The biggest thank you goes to my family who have supported me in every single way since I had this mad idea six years ago.They have stopped me from going under, put food on the table and don't mind when I sleep all weekend even though they haven't seen me all week. They are my sanity and I am extremely proud of them.
My Baby Boy
My baby boy was born 10 weeks early weighing a measly 2lb dropping to 1lb during the next day as he weed out all the water he had taken on board. Today this tiny little monkey boy is 18, 6ft 2 and can pick me up. He sends me daft, drives me mad and I could throttle him on occasions. He is the kindest, most generous, gentle soul I know and I absolutely adore him with all my heart. Thank you for choosing me to be your mummy and after that, choosing to stay alive. Happy, happy 18th to my lovely little man.  
And THAT Is It
Another night out tonight celebrating said boy's birthday and tomorrow to sleep. Thank you again for being wonderful and see you in the week. 

Love Georgia x