What Is Good For You ?

Published: Fri, 11/20/15

This Time Of Year
It is this time of year when it gets cold all of a sudden and I start to get a bit grumpy. I hate cold weather and being cold full stop. I really have to work on my mindset to keep me upbeat, accepting that we live in England and it is going get even colder, and windier, and pelt hail, snow and sleet. Does anyone else get a bit panicky when they think of how long we have to go before we are going to feel the warmth of sunshine in our gardens? One of the things I do is to have an image board full of lovely pictures that warm me. This is my recent acquired favourite. It oozes warmth and calm, soothing to my soul and I look at it and breathe deeply whenever I get those horrid thoughts of "Oh but we have another 3 months of this!!" I really do have to work on one day at a time as do many of you out there. I keep taking my Chia seeds, exercising regularly and keep wrapped up. I am now up to 4 layers of BAM clothing. You will notice I get fatter and fatter as the winter months come but t is just my clothes honest :D
Movember Is For What?
Movember was created to raise money in order to create awareness  and educate men year-round focusing on 4 key areas of mens health. We know our men don't we? Don't like to go to the doctors. put it off with a "Oh it's nothing". Let's face it, no one wants to go to a doctor with a symptom knowing that, to be examined, a digit will have to be inserted into a place that should only ever be seen by the bog frog. So on that note I am just going to go ahead. 
  1.  Prostate cancer is THE most common cancer in men in the UK
  2. It develops slowly so you may have it for many years without knowing
  3. It only becomes apparent when the prostate gets large enough to press on the urethra
  4. If you notice a change in your urination habits it doesn't mean you have prostate cancer. What is really important is you get it checked out IMMEDIATELY
For many men diagnosed with prostate cancer, treatment is not necessary immediately as growth is slow. But this is not a reason to not get it checked out. Only when referred, if your GP finds abnormalities and further tests and examinations have been done can it be determined what stage you are at and what treatment is best for you. None of this can be done if you ignore it and shove your head in the proverbial sand. 
Christmas Bash
Snow permitting we are going to Baldwins Omega tomorrow night for our glad rags night out. We need to be arriving at 7.30 for an 8.00 dinner and I have some of your tickets too so if you want to pick your ticket up it will be on reception tomorrow 8.30 - 1.00 or I will take whatever tickets are left with me. No sneaking in...I have a list of all who have paid :D It's going to be a fab night! 
 The health benefits of yoga are both mental and physical. Yoga increases flexibility and reduces stress, but the practice can do more than help you twist your body into pretzel shapes and find inner peace. People who practice yoga have an improved immune system, they sleep better and have decreased food cravings. 

The lovely Paula started her Yoga class on Tuesday and already she only has room for 3 more people. It starts at 9.30 and if anyone would like a free trial the please contact her on [email protected]
Sorry the assist chin dip is still out of order. He came on Wednesday, rang on Thursday to say he was awaiting ballbearings, rang Friday to say they had sent the incorrect size and hopefully he will be in to fix it on Monday. Fingers crossed. I am determined it isn't going to snow at my house this weekend but I have my wellies at the ready. Have a lovely week and keep being lovely 

Love Georgia x