Ever Wondered Why ?

Published: Fri, 11/27/15

Why is today called BLACK Friday? Why not yellow Friday or green Friday? I am going to have PURPLE Friday because I like purple. Purple is often associated with royalty (well I am the Queen of Underground), magic (this is where the magic happens) and mystery (ask my husband). So, rather than all the nastiness of fighting for 'bargains' (more things we don't need) and spending more money (that could be put to much better use and we don't have anyway) I have spent a bit of time looking for something that Purple Friday could be about. I would like Purple Friday to be about bringing joy and happiness to others by putting in a little effort and thinking outside the box a little.  This is just wonderful. For all of you who get a little emotional around Christmas at happy things and Christmas spirit you had better get a tissue.
Christmas Bash
Yes a great time was had by all. Spangly dresses, party hats and the 12 days of Christmas sing song. Thanks go out to all of you who danced all night, drove so some of us could have a drink and especially to Joy who came with her camera and got some fabulous photos of us all in various states of dancing pose. For those who didn't come, you missed a great night and we hope to see you on the next one in the Spring. 
Next Friday
Next Friday we will be closing early as we will be travelling to Leicester in our glad rags to hopefully not be the ones clapping politely with a fixed grin on our faces. Saying that, yes of course I want us to win, and yes of course I think we deserve to win, but I feel happy that we are one of 5. That means that of all nominations up and down the country we are in the top 5 for customer service. Okay, so the shower rooms aren't massive, but you don't have to bring your own shampoo and conditioner or shower gel. They are heated and they are clean, unlike some of the biggest seller gyms out there. We care about you and we want you to enjoy your time with us, for it to feel like family, a happy club that is a bit quirky...like a family :D. Wish us luck please. Fingers, legs and eyes crossed but not when trying to walk!
Holiday Time
Already I am being asked "What are you doing over Christmas?" IT'S NOVEMBER! I DONT KNOW!! 
​And breathe. We will be closed  from sometime on Christmas Eve Lunchtime...2? Ish? Maybe earlier? And we will open again on Tuesday morning...sometime. I will keep you updated when I know and have had a moment to discuss it with hubster. If you have any requirements i.e. need to come in on Tuesday at 7.00 as you have family staying and won't be able to stand another minute with them without getting rid of a little aggression by having an early morning gym workout then please let us know. I can always open up for you in my onesie :D  I am thinking Tuesday morning Zumba? Burn off some cheese and wine? 
Stress Busting
Some things I have read today that you can implement to stop that stress. This time of year can be challenging for many because we feel the need to please people all the time. Well what about you? You are THE most important person there is. If you fall who is going to pick up the pieces. Think before you say 'Yes' to something. Is it going to cause you stress by agreeing? If the answer is yes then don't agree to do it. Say "I am really sorry but I can't agree to that right now." Always stop to think. We are naturally people pleasers and our mouth opens throwing out the word before we have engaged brain and considered the effects of how agreeing to do that extra thing, go to that extra event, cook that extra dinner is going to make us feel. So there endeth the lesson for today. Stop, breath deeply and think...then give your answer. It works. 
November...Done And Done
That's it. Next newsletter will  be in December. Keep going, keep breathing and moving forward. I have Chia seeds by the bagful. It will soon be over. Keep being lovely and I will see you next week.

Love Georgia x