Gold Stars All Round !

Published: Fri, 12/18/15

Congratulations Chaps!
Well, I am feeling a little amazed this week. I handed out 3, yes 3 Gold Stars to my chaps in the Wednesday Men On Mats Pilates class. These stars are rare and come only for a high level achieved. This week these three had shown commitment to their health and well being by doing homework (press ups and balance work) and great improvement could be seen in just one week. They also committed fully to the class on the day and showed determination and a great level of mindfulness, focusing fully on their technique, enabling them to stretch further with no pain whilst getting a stronger, more flexible back. Well done chaps! You fully deserve your Gold stars. 
Aye Aye Jim Lad!
We all know that as we get older our eyes go and there comes a time when we need glasses. Well mine came about 10 years ago and I have been toying with them ever since. Okay, so I am vain and am the first to admit it, but I really have tried. I just HATE myself in glasses. They make me feel old. I feel like a middle aged woman when I wear them. I know I am, but as long as I can kid myself I am not by having a giggly brain then I am all for it. I am not cool - some people are cool and can just make glasses a cool accessory. Having extremely sensitive eyes that run if I even think about anything coming near them (squint correction followed by cream in eyes every day whilst being held down when 6 years old has left me totally eye traumatised) I have put the thought of contacts out of my head as just being impossible. Well this week I have had a revelation. Persuaded by my optician to try one...a reader lens in one eye, my life has been transformed. No more looking for glasses as soon as I need to read something smaller than size 14 font, no irritation and I can get it in and out without being sick. Not even a nervous tummy tremor! If you have been putting off trying lenses due to sensitivity/ couldn't possibly/ hate anything to do with eyes then I urge you to try them. Time has moved on from the old, had lenses and the new ones are just amazing. I don't even know it is in. Your eyes won't get worse if you don't wear your glasses but they will get tired and that can cause headaches, eye strain and migraines. If I can then ANYONE can :D
Christmas Day Damage Limitation
I won't be sending out a newsletter this time next week as I will be playing daft games with my family, like we do every year, with a full belly and a rosy face from the sparkly, probably with a lump of cheese in one hand and a slice of Christmas cake in the other. On that note I thought I would send out a little damage limitation help to stop you from major over eating, when actually we can do that quite easily with the meal and nibbles and snacks without mindless 'shovelling it in'. 
  • Do a food diary. It sounds simple but, particularly at this time of year, it is really easy to eat without even knowing you are doing it. Try to stay mindful of EVERYTHING (even that tiny, stolen, piggy in a blanket while you are in the kitchen) you eat. Write it down
  • Try not to focus on everything you 'shouldn't be eating'. All food is allowed. As soon as you say "Oh I shouldn't be eating that" then your head tells your body to start to crave it. Not only that but you will probably eat more than you would have if you didn't ban it.
  • Whatever you eat enjoy it. Savour it. You are going to be eating delicious food that you don't normally allow yourself so no guilt and certainly don't waste the experience by feeling bad. Listen to your tummy, stop when you are full and enjoy it for what it is. If you are enjoying it and savouring it you are less likely to guiltily stuff it. 
  • Allow stress to blow away. If you feel a screaming fit coming on get another adult to watch the pans (or whatever it is you are about to pull your hair out over), go to another room, put your fingers in your ears so you can hear your breath and through the nose and out through the mouth. just for a count of 10. It really helps when you want to smash something. And you are less likely to FEED your frustrations
​Above all, have a wonderful day, make vegetable soup, bubble and squeak and turkey curry for boxing day snack food instead of spending a fortune on processed, fatty food that is easy to chuck in the oven and we will see you feeling fabulous and not feeling too much like the over stuffed turkey​​​. 
Oh The Joy!
The night is coming for me to wrap the presents. Oh how I HATE and DESPISE the wrapping of the presents. I start off quite calm and neat, trying hard to get the corners flush with a tiny bit of tape. By the time I have lost the sellotape for the 5th time, along with the pen and the tags (forget bows and ribbon!) I am swearing like a trouper and the presents look like they have been wrapped by a two year old. Having just nearly wet myself laughing at a thread on 'Mumsnet' it is nice to find that I am not the only one. Be warned...this has some really foul language in it so if you are at all offended easily then please do NOT click. I know why my mum wraps all her gifts in tin foil! Maybe I will try the tin foil next year...but then I will be turning into my mother!
Classes Over The Festive Period
So, it looks like class times have been agreed. I  have asked the members who I have seen what classes and times they would like and here they are:
Tuesday 29th             9.00 - Pilates         10.00 - Zumba and Boxing
Wednesday 30th     9.00 - Zumba       10.00 - Men On Mats and Boxing
Thursday 31st         9.00 - Pilates       10.00 - Zumba and Boxing
​I have yet to get them on the timetable so please be patient. I will try this weekend so hopefully up by Monday 
Until 2016!
 Myself and the gang wish you all a very merry Christmas. Have a lovely day and enjoy your time with your families. We will see you next week hopefully but remember we are closing at 12 Noon on Christmas Eve and not back again until Tuesday 29th at 8.30am 
Stay being lovely.

Love Georgia xx