We Are Still Grinning

Published: Fri, 12/11/15

National Fitness Awards Mark II
We scrub up quite well don't we? Not bad for a group of people who live in gym gear. Lord knows what the man on my right was doing but he had imbibed a small amount of alcohol so maybe this was the split second before he just fell over backwards and we missed it as we were so excited. I must ask the photographer if he can let me have a copy of the photograph taken immediately AFTER this one with him flat on the floor while we jumped off stage. 
We are still really up beat a week on. "Morning Winner" says Debs as she leaps into the gym. "Morning Winner" replies I with a thumb and finger W on my forehead. A lovely message was received by me from Steve Johnson who has a rehab place in Wakefield. 
"Congratulations on winning the Customer Service Award at the National Fitness Awards. I was actually the judge sitting in on your category and you were up against some big centres who have big financial backing I have to tell you. I was very impressed with your feedback and took time to look at your centre on-line. It was very rewarding for me to see how much the award meant to you so I had to get in touch."
It feels really good to have some recognition from the industry for what we do naturally. Thank you for your part in it, filling in the forms, the comments book and being lovely. 
Two Weeks Today
What will we be doing 2 weeks today at this time? I know what I will be doing. I will be feeling comfortably full and satisfied and smiley and playing games with my family. These are the traditional games played every year, Old Maid, Charades, The Chocolate Game (SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!!), Consequences, Jenga, Pictionary and Articulate. Many of you know now that I don't really do Christmas. Actually it isn't that I don't do Christmas. I LOVE Christmas. I don't do the commercial side of Christmas. I heard this morning that a family had put aside £2000 for each child! A child doesn't need a lot of toys, they need family to play with. And that is what I will be doing...playing, with possibly a bit of eating and drinking whilst doing it :D. Someone can take away my soap box now. 
Opening Times
Christmas Eve                             7.00 - 12 NOON
25th - 28th December             CLOSED
29th  - 31st December             8.30 - 12 NOON
1st  - 3rd January                     CLOSED

Back to normal hours on Monday January 4th. 

There will be Zumba, Boxing Bootcamp and Pilates from 29th  - 31st December which will be on the timetable as soon as I can get them on :D
Liver Health
Christmas is just days away and parties are in full swing. Time to have a look at the liver and the vital role it plays in our health and well-being.
The liver is the largest of the human organs and has over 500 vital functions including storing and regulating vitamins, sugar and iron. It cleans the blood of waste products by neutralising toxins and makes clotting factors to stop excessive bleeding after injury. It also releases bile to help with digestion and absorption of nutrients This is one of the reasons you feel so rubbish after a night out. Your liver is struggling so hard to get rid of all the toxins it can't do the many jobs it is supposed to do. There are things you can do to help the liver as best you can.
  • Drink water- at least 2 litres each day
  • Eat well - sugar, caffeine, processed foods, white bread and pasta are all enemies of the liver so try to avoid these
  • Cut back - limit your alcohol intake and if you do drink more than your daily-recommended amount try and have 48 hours alcohol-free after to allow your liver to recover. 
  • Rest - sleep helps, it increases melatonin that neutralises free radicals and regenerates your system
  • Be active - exercise will oxygenate your blood and liver
  • Avoid medicines that you don't really need - antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, the pill and HRT all have an impact on liver health. 
For anyone into natural help for the body, Natures Sunshine do a  product called Liver Health Formula. http://www.bouncebacktohealth.co.uk/liver_health_-_10_off.htm
Liver Health Formula is a unique product that has been specially developed for the liver. This powerful combination contains eleven key ingredients chosen for their antioxidant, bitter, and soothing properties, all of which are needed to keep the liver in good condition. Ingredients include: dandelion, turmeric, burdock, gentian, safflower, fenugreek, Irish moss algae, slippery elm, uva ursi7
It will really help support the liver while you batter it over the festive season and there is 10% off at the moment.
Season Of Goodwill
No picture, but think if there is anyone you can think of that may be on their own this Christmas. Christmas day for many is just a miserable day with less people to watch out of the window than normal and the ones they do see are happy and festive on their way to or coming back from loved ones. Could you make sure they are not left lonely all day? Could you pop around for an hour or ask them to share a drink with you at yours? Just a thought. 
Happy Bunnies
That is it again for another week. Hope to see you all in before the big day smashing your fitness goals so you can lose a few lbs before you put it all back on again. Try to do extra over the next fortnight - it will make you feel so much better. 

Stay lovely peoples :D

Love Georgia x