Still All Fired Up ?

Published: Fri, 01/15/16

The Canadians Are Here!

As many of you know my brother in law is Canadian. We have a celebration to go to tonight as he has graduated today getting his Masters from Sheffield University. We also have a rare visit from his sister Peggy who attended Pilates with my sister and my niece this week and was very taken with the foam roller and impressed I had Pilates equipment that complimented her attire :D

The Best Form Of....
We all know the best form of advertising for us is word of mouth. Our members are lovely and none of us want any 'unlovely' people coming into our little gym and upsetting the applecart. This is why I don't do big advertising and hard sell to people just to keep our customer base up. Now is the time that people are thinking about getting healthier and maybe doing something they have never done before and feel a little intimidated and this is where I am going to ask for your help.
We know we won an award for customer service but the people out there don't. Can I ask that you tell people about us, the classes, that you can pay as you go and ask them if they would like a trial week, just like you had? For everyone who comes and joins up to the end of February they will go into a prize draw and the joiner AND their referee will get a £25 voucher for a beauty treatment or hair do as a thank you. There will be vouchers on reception to hand out early next week. Thank you xx

Oh, and I will be getting some more Sheffield Star newspapers in for you as we have run out :D
​Thanks to all who have filled one in. 
Lost The Plot Already?
Is that you on the right? "Oh I really shouldn't but oh...just a little sniff" and that's it...willpower gone. All those positive images of you on the beach feeling fabulous lost in a whimsical moment. Okay, so let me see if this will help do it for you.
  1. Sugar triggers the release of inflammatory messengers called cytokines. If you already have an inflammatory condition eg. rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, sugar will make it worse.
  2. Sugar is HIGH in calories but has NO essential nutrients. Not One - NADA! 
  3. ​In very simple terms, the fructose part of the broken down sugar has to be metabolised by the liver. Too much causes fatty liver. The fructose in fruit isn't a problem in small quantities after a workout or as part of a healthy diet in fruit but overload happens VERY easily with sugary drinks, sweets, cakes, biscuits and pastries
  4. Sugar, NOT fat, may be one of the leading drivers of heart disease via the harmful effects of fructose on metabolism. Studies show that large amounts of fructose can raise triglycerides, small, dense LDL and oxidized LDL (very, very bad), raise blood glucose and insulin levels and increase abdominal obesity… in as little as 10 weeks
Sugar has been PROVEN to be addictive. If you are a sugar addict then you have to accept that it is not going to be easy to give it up.  If you want to feel fitter, healthier and have less pain and cravings but have more energy then it is the only thing to do. Accept that it will be difficult but worth it and like an day at a time. 
PS - I am awaiting on information regarding sweetners linked to weak bladder problems so don't think about switching to that stuff either. Yeuch!!

5 Steps Workshop
The next date for my 5 Steps Workshop is Tuesday February 2nd  at 11.00 - 12.30.
Do you feel overwhelmed? Have you tried lots of diets but always give up? Do you always feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? Do you feel at a crossroad but don't know which way to go? This workshop will give you an insight into what is holding you back from getting what you want and help you put things in place so you can work in a more focused way and get better control of your life.

Places are limited so please book your FREE place by clicking here  [email protected]
Weather Permitting
 That is that for this week. Let us hope that if it does snow it whumps it down hard enough for us to all have some time snuggling in with a fire and a good film. I hate that stuff that just makes everyones life miserable. Please keep an eye out and if we are not opening because of the weather then I will let you know by email as well as putting notice on the website. 

See you in the week and stay being lovely

​Love Georgia xx