Not Spam Honest

Published: Sat, 01/23/16

Spot The Australians
Well we have family everywhere and this week was the visit from Australia. I nearly didn't put this one in the newsletter as it was supposed to be a photo to market the yoga class on Tuesday mornings and half the class are going one way and the other half the other, until someone quipped "Who got it wrong? Well, what do you expect? They are from the other side of the World and do everything the opposite way." Actually Ian isn't from Australia but his sister lives there now and we don't see her very often, and only Ian on special occasions so we had a fabulous night at the Canton Orchard on Tuesday, belly laughing like extended family does. We don't see you often enough. Thanks for coming. 
I Hope You Don't Mind
 No photo needed for this one. I have found a few of you who are members but have unsubscribed from the newsletter. I know getting mail every week from various people can clog up your inbox but I promise I will never send you daily mails that you can't get rid of. The way I can let you know of dire illness, emergency closures and offers is here. If and when the snow comes we might not be able to get in, or we might get in and choose to close early so would let you know rather than you walking here to find it closed. I have resubscribed 4 of you . I have already found from one she unsubscribed by accident. For whatever reason the mail comes marked as SPAM into my own inbox. This is because I use Aweber, a large bulk email provider. Often, our protective systems mark these bulk providers as spam. again, please unsubscribe again if you did it on purpose and I won't be offended. 
Time For You
On that little note, talking of offers, isn't it time you gave yourself a treat?
Our friends at Randle and Randle on Ecclesall Road are offering 50% off (HUGE saving) to Underground Fitness members. This is valid only until the end of January though so why don't you take advantage and give yourself a January blues pep talk with a lovely massage or facial? Or why not perk yourself up with a new hairdo to boost your confidence and complement your 2016 weight loss already?
Fill in your details here with UNDERGROUND FITNESS 50%
It's That Time Of Year
Did you know that this week is the worst week for many people for the blues? This happens for many reasons, the main ones being
  • Low vitamin D due to lack of sunlight 
  • ​Low energy levels due to little daylight
  • Christmas over spending hits our now spiritless brain as the master card/ Visa bills come in
  • The '21 days to make/ break a habit have passed and you have fallen off the wagon, all new years resolutions gone out of the window as you think "Sod it, I want ..... and am having it" and you now feel like a failure.
Well one quick and easy way to get yourself up again and feeling better about life/ yourself is to write a list of all the things you have in your life that make you happy, that bring smiles or laughter, whatever else is going on in your World. These can be really simple. Some of mine are
  1. I have no boss. I absolutely LOVE talking to people all day long in my 'job'
  2. Waking up at 1.30 in the morning and knowing I have ages to go before I have to get up
  3. I have got the best family ever who don't notice my jeans are snug...and if they do they don't care. 
  4. My children love me because I am their mum. They don't notice me getting old. They just love it when I laugh because they are at their happiest when I am happy because they feel secure.
  5. My 3 cats lie on their backs totally outstretched because they trust me not to rip their bellies out. This is THE most trusting thing a cat will do.
I have more but am getting boring now. I belly laugh all the time at silly things because I refuse to 'act my age' and truly believe laughter is the best medicine and don't care who thinks I am mad. If I am mad then makes my life great. 
Try writing your list. Put it somewhere you see all the  time to keep you lifted through to the sunshine coming. It is on its way 

So We Are Nearly There
 One more week and we will be heading into February. Don't forget we have Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Multi Vitamins all in stock that are as natural as they can possibly be and the best quality. Just ask. Let us hope the new York snow doesn't come our way and I hope to see you in the week.

Stay being lovely,

​Love Georgia xx