Didn't We Have Lovely Time ?

Published: Fri, 01/08/16

Didn't Go To Bangor Though!
This is my wonderful family sharing our Christmas day, only missing the cameraman Guy, my brother in law. We had a fabulous day, feasted well and played family games. It was wonderful!
Here we are in a new year. I don't make resolutions as I find that, like many other people, they have fallen by the wayside by the end of January and we start the year off failing rather than going forward in a positive way. What I have done is to write a list of all the goals I would like to achieve or be on the way to achieving by 2017, both in my business and personal life. i have them under different headings - Business, Personal and Relationships. I have got 26 things that I am working towards and look forward to when 2017 comes I can get my list out and look at how far I have come in the year and pat myself on the back for all the things I have done during the year. Try it and put it somewhere where you can see it (unless one of your goals is "Ask ....... to marry me - might give the game away :D)​​
Olympic High!
 On my last newsletter I included celebrations for my Men on Mats Wednesday group who had all excelled themselves and worked really hard, both at home and in the class, to improve their strength, balance and technique To end the year on a high may I introduce John. John is an absolute star who missed out on the Gold Star giving class due to illness. To our delight he managed to gird up his loins to attend the concluding class of the year, showing courage in the face of adversity. He outclassed the rest of the group in all components, and for this, deserves the very special, once in a lifetime only, Olympic Gold Star Award!
Well Done John. I am looking forward to going into the New Year with a team worthy of Rio :D xx

In With The New!
I would like to say a big welcome to the new members we already have coming through our doors. Can I please remind everyone that classes MUST be booked so we don't overcrowd the studio or the gym (boxing Friday night...too dark to go outside). Also to be mindful of the time you spend on one cardio machine at busy times. You can always do your circuit twice or three times if you want longer and some members are only able to use a couple of pieces due to injuries. We are a happy gym and thinking of others and being mindful means we will stay that way. We all know gyms and studios get a bit manic at this time of the year and also know that it will settle down again in a few weeks. 
January Helpers
I have in stock the 10 day Kick Start Your Health Pack and Vitamin C. Doing a cleanse is the perfect way to get your system clean of all the rubbish you have been putting into it the past 3 weeks - maybe more. Leaflets are at reception. I will be running a full 10 Day Re-energise Programme at the end of January (when willpower is weakening) to drive you into February. This will be run online and will include workouts for the 10 days and access to a support group. In you would be interested in taking part in this to lose up to 7lbs then please mail me [email protected] .

I have now had 10 people stop colds in their tracks or get better from feeling dreadful within 3 days with this Vitamin C. There may be no medical proof that this works but hey...I just listen to the feedback and keep it in stock. It is amazing. You know where to get it if you want some. 
Gym Of The Year
We are up for another award - The Sheffield Star Gym Of The Year. This is voted for on a form, found in the Sheffield Star, to be filled in by members. I am purchasing a load of newspapers (no we can't photocopy them either) which you will find on reception. Please fill us in a form and hand it into reception where I will post them all off. This runs over the next two weeks so once the papers arrive, please vote for us :D
That's All Folks
5 to 11. Am off to bed. Again, a very happy new year to you all. Thank you for being lovely and see you in the week.

Love Georgia x