This Was Silly

Published: Fri, 02/12/16

Another Year Wiser? 
Well I am now officially in my fifties with no zero on the end of my numerical age. I had a fabulous birthday, went to the pics, had a meal out (incredibly controlled as I was detoxing so no booze, no carbs, no dairy and no wheat - my halo may one day slip down around my neck and throttle me). I saw my daughter to the train station on Monday, took the Bagpuss of a cat to the vet, having cleaned up the second lot of half digested food in as many days so wondering if his pancreatitis had flared up again. Then Tuesday I had another birthday...the real one, leaving work feeling very special with flowers and presents...thank you, to have a 3 hour pamper. Another meal out (with no alcohol etc etc...I could quite get into this) and returned home happy and feasted. 
Unfortunately I am not wise enough to trust that my children will not ridicule a poor little pussy cat. Look what they did to him? thankfully it is due to the wonders of technology that Bagpuss fatty Mouse has been turned into a Prince Puss In Boots and they hadn't rammed his paws into some of Barbies cast offs leaving Prince Ken searching for his crown.
We Made It!
Again the photo loads sideways and won't change no matter what I do. Well I stress not. 
Thank you to you lovely lot we have made it to the last 10 of Sheffield Star Gym of the Year 2016. So now we have to do it all over again and VOTE
I will make sure we have some Stars on reception for if you don't already get The Star. If you do, the voting form will be in from Monday 15th for 2 weeks I think. Please give the rest of the fortnights forms either to me or to friends and family to fill in for us. I am not sure who we are up against but we, being a little gym, need all the help we can get :D
Shop Til You Drop
Valentines day is Sunday and we all know how nice it is to go out and spend time with our loved one that maybe we don't always make the time and effort to appreciate. Many women of a certain age struggle to get things to fit, wear stuff they have had for years as they hate shopping or just have nothing to wear so don't go out. Many years ago, when trying to find something for a wedding and ending up crying 'cos everything looked awful and nothing suited me I found Vamp. Lisa has totally changed the way I dress and I love her to bits. Well, the lovely Lisa has said that anyone who needs that fab outfit for tomorrow and is worrying about what to wear, she will give 10% off if you mention you have come from Underground Fitness. She will dress you in clothes you thought you would never look good in and you will feel fabulous. Her boutique is 575 Abbeydale Road 0114 258 4699 and they are open from 10 - 5.30

Donor Day
As well as Valentines on Sunday, it is also Donor Day. I haven't been allowed to give blood since giving birth to Harriet over 20 years ago having a 11 unit blood transfusion. Apparently there is a risk I may have mad cow disease :D.  Well it would certainly explain a couple of things. Anyway, my daughter now regularly gives blood as do some of her friends, but it is something that lots more people could do if they only thought about it. Without other peoples generosity of their time and a pint every 3 months I would not be alive now. It takes a very little amount of time, is virtually painless and you get tea and biscuits after. What cost to help save someones life? You can find details of the Sheffield Blood Donor Centre here.
​You really would be helping save someones life. 
See You Soon
Am off tomorrow to see my best friend from school, Kate, in Clevedon, near Bristol. The last time I went there it took me a week to recover. Having totally detoxed (and lost 4lb) I may be in a bit of a pickle so please be kind to me on Monday. Have a great week and stay lovely.

Love Georgia xx