It Was Worth It

Published: Fri, 02/19/16

Valentines Or Galentines?

Have you ever heard of Galentines Day? Well I hadn't until last week. Apparently it is the day before Valentines for Gals to spend having good girly time with their girly mates. That is what we decided to do last weekend and here we are half way through a most enjoyable time cackling, crying and generally doing what oldest mates do best...getting drunk. It was well worth the thick head the next day (thankfully not too thick due to gallons of water supped between HUGE glasses of wine). Thank you Kate and Jon for being the hosts with the most...not that we left you with much!
Are We Your Gym Of The Year?
 All 50 of the newspapers I purchased have gone so please bring in your form or send it off as soon as you can. Forms have to be by the end of next week. I have ordered another 100 papers to arrive on Tuesday. We are up against Concord AND Ponds Forge so we really need your support as it is a number crunching game. Please get friends, family, strangers off the street (who cares? I have no shame about wanting to win) and vote. We can't do it without you and appreciate it in advance :D
New Apprentice Wanted
All your comments this week have shown me you have really missed Josh. Yes, he has been on holiday and we have really missed his lovely caring nature looking after us. So...what this has taught me is I need another 'Josh'. Josh is moving up to the Personal Trainer level and so we need to put in so we have someone to fill the space he will leave. Do you know a young person who is 18 or over, enthusiastic, a bit mad, confident (when in a safe place) and interested in helping others? You know the kind of young person you want to see in our gym every day. They MUST be able to fit into our environment and add a bit of sparkle. They will be fully trained at The Source whilst working and gaining experience with us here. Please let me know as I would like them to start in April [email protected]
 Its been a long week and I am tired. I will finish this on Monday. Remember to check you inbox 
Have a great weekend and stay being lovely 

Love Georgia x