How Is Yours ?

Published: Fri, 01/29/16

The Month Of Luuurve

We are nearly into February and the Month of Love. Here are the two brothers, of the three cats that we have, having a love in front of our fire. The children named them...Eddy (that is how it is spelt) and Mouse (?). Our third one (an unwanted present that soft hearted soul here adopted) arrived  5 years after these two and terrorises the pair of them, despite being half their size! Gordon feels very superior to the other two, no doubt because he is young. They put him right every so often :D
How Is Yours Bearing Up?
 The heart is your life and your soul. You can not exist without it beating. It is made up of muscle around the size of your fist, divided into four chambers that pump approximately 110 million gallons of blood in a lifetime and, if looked after, will last around 80 years, with very little attention given to it. It is a truly amazing little thing that for most of the time we pay very little attention to. Then one day we go and have a blood pressure check and it says something we don't expect..and off we go with cholesterol checks, questions about your diet, how much you exercise.
 Your heart is a muscle, it likes to be worked. That means you need to get out of breath (but still be able to talk [but not easily]). You should feel uncomfortable at times, but then slow down so you get back to the breathing a bit quicker but can talk again. You should perspire when you exercise - it means you have an efficient cooling system and you are working hard enough for your body to want to cool you down a bit.
We have a blood pressure cuff for anyone who might want to check theirs but doesn't want to go to the doctors. make sure you book and come early enough so you can have a sit on the sofa for 5 minutes before we take it...and not just after you have jogged here. It takes longer than that :D
5 Steps Workshop
I am doing my workshop on Tuesday morning at 11.00 for anyone who would like to come I have a couple of places left. It is for anyone who feels overwhelmed, out of control, lost the plot and generally doesn't know what they want out of life, or does but has no idea how to get there or what to do to make things work. 
If you would like a place then please mail me back
Detox Starts
I start my full 10 day health reboot on Monday. This will involve 10 days of no caffeine, no alcohol, no red meat and a couple of other bits like plenty of water. Since starting to do this regularly (every 3 months) I have no menopausal night sweats or hot flushes, I feel lighter and have loads more energy. I know I am ready for this one. I feel ready to murder someone and feel bloated and sluggish. This is all because my system is still full of Christmas rubbish that I still haven't been able to totally kick yet...left over Xmas cake, cheese habit reformed, "Oh just one beer". All habits that need a kick up the backside. Anyone want to join me just mail and lets look forward to losing up to alb in 10 days. [email protected] 
​Valentines Is Coming
 So...what are you doing for Valentines day? Start planning something nice now so your loved FEELS loved. It doesn't have to involve money. If you don't normally cook, then treat them with a surprise meal cooked by you. A morning in bed with tea and toast and a good book, washing the car for them so they don't have to do it. We are going to see friends who we don't see often (Kate and Jon. We went to their 25th wedding anniversary last year for those who were with us then and remember. It will be filled with belly favourite pastime, so I am really looking forward to it. 
Have A Great Week
Lovely to see you all this week and look forward to seeing you next. Have a great weekend and stay being lovely.

​Love Georgia xx