I Proper Blubbed

Published: Fri, 02/05/16

Look What I Found :D
YES! daffodils in a pot on our patio. Why they want to load up in a sideways position is beyond me but I have uploaded three times now so laid down daffodils they will have to be. But the dark month of January is now behind us and we can look forward to Spring knowing that even if we do get snow then it won't be around for long. Whoopee....downhill all the way to warmer and longer days. 

Another One Gone
Dear Terry Wogan in the mornings on Radio Two was THE thing that had me belly laughing on my way to work back in the day when I used to travel across Sheffield to get to Firth Park school for my daily torture with the delightful SEN department (not the staff I hasten to add) and the Maths faculty. He brought the Eurovision Song Contest up to another level and I have blubbed on more than one occasion listening to his last Radio Two goodbye. Rest In Peace dear, kind man.
World Cancer Day
Yesterday was World Cancer Day. Sort of links in doesn't it? So use it as an excuse to check your bits properly, make sure you book an appointment if you find anything that shouldn't be there or if you have noticed any changes. Also put some money in a box even if you don't want to wear the bracelet. People are living today who would have died 10 years ago because of the research done to fight this mean little pig of a disease. 
Just Out Of Interest
A few gym members have shown interest in coming to a morning Pilates or Yoga class. Both Pilates and Yoga are beneficial for keeping strong and supple and enabling us to get about our daily lives with less groans and creaks. They are also fabulous for calming the mind helping us to sleep better and generally enhance our mood. I would like to be able to do this for our members but need to have an idea first of how many would ACTUALLY be prepared to increase their membership by £10 a month for this to happen? I would like to start as soon as possible so if you would be prepared to pay an extra £10 a month for this then please mail me  [email protected]
I Got My Girl Baby Home
This weekend I get my girl baby home so we can all go to the pictures and go out for a meal, which has become a bit of a tradition around a certain time of the year, February, as it is MY BIRTHDAY. Those who were there last year to help me celebrate my 50th may well have put it in their diaries or put a reminder in their phone so will already know. The first time we did this was to see Les Miserables and came out so traumatised we could barely eat! So the tradition started. What can we go to see that will make us laugh until we hurt, bawl our eyes out or be traumatised? So I don't know what we are going to see yet but I am certainly looking forward to a lovely weekend with family celebrating MY BIRTHDAY which is on Tuesday...the 9th. Did I mention it was my birthday on Tuesday? :D 
So That Is It Once More
 January begone, welcome February. I know I have become so much happier this week, whether that is the change of the month or what? Maybe the anti-psychotics the doc has given me for my inner ear thing, or the 'only eating healthy food' since being on my total detox, but I don't care. This week has been a blooming GREAT week. Thank you, see you next week and stay being lovely.

Love Georgia x